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Pretty career! Daughter of mine! I tell you, ma'am, I'm angry; there's no other word for it I'm angry. If that scoundrel comes within reach of me, I shall mark 'im I'm not a young man, but I shall mark 'im. An' what to say to you, I'm sure I don't know. That my daughter should be'ave like that! Well, it's made a difference to me. An' now I suppose her name'll be dragged in the mud.

Git out of here afore I give ye a wallop on the jaw, fer I'm goin' ter finish what I begun on June, and her name'll be December when I git through, and don't ye fergit it." Joe grabbed the mule by an ear, gave the animal a prod with her club, then slapped June's face.

Silk, not without a certain pride in her tones; "that's why I asked you in to cheer 'im up." "All your troubles'll be over then," continued the warning voice, "and in a month or two even your name'll be forgotten. That's the way of the world. Think 'ow soon the last five years of your life 'ave passed; the next five'll pass ten times as fast even if you live as long, which ain't likely."

But the section's grown well-to-do lately on account of the cocoa trade, and I gather what the Injuns pay on it now is about ordinary taxes. Now, if the Injuns pay the old man a sort of blackmail to get him to moderate his earthquakes, and he calls it his proper rents, why, I say, a rose by any name'll smell as sweet, supposing the commission for collecting is the same. That's the idea. Why not?

Henshaw pondered. "Any sensible name'll do," he said, stiffly. "Bell?" suggested Mr. Stokes. "Alfred Bell? I did know a man o' that name once. He tried to borrow a bob off of me." "That'll do," said his friend, after some consideration; "but mind you stick to the same name.

But right now it means quick money, see. With all this publicity, and the Injun name say, it's a cinch, bo! They'll fall over theirselves to git a ride. "My idea is to get the name painted on right now, before we go back. Then we'll circle over town and do a few flops and show our sign. So right away the name'll stick in their minds and make good advertising.

You keep on like you've begun and your middle name'll soon be trouble! Good morning, ma'am." Fibsy rose, bowed and left the room so suddenly that Fifi hadn't time to stop him if she had wanted to. And he left behind him a decidedly scared little woman. Fibsy then went straight to the offices of Mason Elliott. He was admitted and given an audience at once. "What is it, McGuire?" asked the broker.

But tell me you never did tell them anything about that Sally M. mine business, did you?" "No, I should say not! Didn't you tell me you didn't want it to get out? It was bad enough, the way old Dan and your sainted father handed it to each other over that mine, wasn't it? I know about it, for I promoted that mine myself, and the name'll prove that Sally M. Byington, with the Byington left off!

We may make our get-away to the East, or we may stop here for good under ground. You have little choice either way. If you get out of this country, you'll be down and out. Your name'll be a byword and you'll be flat broke, a joke and an object of contempt the nation over.

Silk, not without a certain pride in her tones; "that's why I asked you in to cheer 'im up." "All your troubles'll be over then," continued the warning voice, "and in a month or two even your name'll be forgotten. That's the way of the world. Think 'ow soon the last five years of your life 'ave passed; the next five'll pass ten times as fast even if you live as long, which ain't likely."