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Mubs doesn't notice anything about women except their being suffs or not; and I'm supposed to be too young to twig what's going on. I need hardly mention, however, that very little gets past yours truly. I shouldn't wonder if Ena'd bring it off. Rags asks me sometimes in a sheep-faced sort of way what I think of things here, and I would have a joyous laugh with him if it weren't for the brother.

Then I would be sure whether I'm asleep or awake. It won't be the fault of American reporters if you've missed our news! They got at us on the dock. Mubs loved it. Rags didn't. Well, if you know a thing about us, since we were swept past Queenstown by a giant wave that carried us on its back all the way to America, you know we're staying with a family named Rolls.

Rags met Miss Rolls and her brother in London. And afterward they happened to be on board our ship, so we chummed up, and Miss Rolls would give up her melting suite to poor half-dead Mubs and me. What a beast the sea is! I don't know if I shall ever have the courage to go on the disgusting old wet thing again.

But Ena and Mubs and Rags and I can wallow as long as we like and have gorgeous breakfasts in our rooms. Mubs thinks Mrs. R. is a fool, because she can hardly understand what a woman wants with a vote, but I think she's a dear.

I suppose it's money that looks so plump. Now do you think Rags ought to resist the daughter of such a house when church mice have long ago cut our acquaintance? So far it's a toss up. I'll let you know how things go. Mubs is writing an article for an American newspaper which has offered her fifty pounds.

I don't know what she was driving at, I'm hanged if I do. But if I didn't like Rolls, I'd suspect." "But you do like him. And so do I." "I've noticed that. So would Mubs, if she ever noticed anything that didn't wave suffragette colours." "And I shall go on liking him 'right straight on, as he'd say himself. Nothing that Ena or anybody else could tell me would make me believe a word against him.

"It's on the writing-desk in that darling sitting-room you've given Mubs and me." Ena felt rewarded for her sacrifice. It was a Providential chance to make their acquaintance and win their gratitude. "The stewardess told me before I moved down," she went on, "that Mme. Nadine had taken the ship's nursery this trip for her show, and fitted it with wardrobes and mirror doors at immense expense.