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Mountfort Mills, is now with me in Haifa, and will ere long join you in the discharge of your manifold and arduous duties. I greatly value his assistance in the difficult task and the complex and often urgent problems that are before me, and I trust that his return to America will lend a fresh impetus to the glorious work of service you are rendering to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh.

"Yes; but who taught her where to look for the brake?" said Mountfort two hours later. The excitement was over, but the subject fascinated Mountfort. The girl had sprung away and disappeared down one of the cliff paths directly Hugh had been extricated from danger. Mountfort was curious about her, but Hugh was uncommunicative. He had no answer ready to Mountfort's question.

This William, having married the daughter of Thomas de Astley, a man of great eminence, and both joining with the Barons under Simon Mountfort, Earl of Leicester, against Henry the Third, William fell, in 1265, at the battle of Evesham; and as the loser is ever the rebel, the Barons were prescribed, and their estates confiscated.

"It's no good trying to float a stranded hulk, dear fellow," he said. "Don't attempt it! I am better off where I am." "You ought to get married," his friend returned brusquely. "You weren't created for the lonely life." "I shall never marry," Durant said quietly. And Mountfort was disappointed. He wondered if he were still vexing his soul over the irrevocable.

Now at his first approch to their countrie, his souldiers being set vpon in the straits, were verie fiercelie put back by the enimies, in somuch that a rumor ran how king Henrie was slaine, which puffed vp the Welshmen with no small hope, and dawnted the Englishmen with great feare. West. Wil. Paruus. A combat betwixt Henrie de Essex, and Robert de Mountfort. Matth. Matth. Paris. Matth.

Lovell, the young minister, and the old Misses Pendleton, that made raspberry-jam, together with Celia's particular friends, Anna and Selina Mountfort, who had a great deal of talking with Celia in private, but not a word to say to anybody in the parlor.

Lord Fitzwater, Sir Simon Mountfort, and Sir Thomas Thwaites, made little secret of their inclination towards him; Sir William Stanley, King Henry's chamberlain, who had been active in raising the usurper to the throne, was ready to adopt his cause whenever he set foot on English soil, and Sir Robert Clifford and William Barley openly gave their adhesion to the pretender, and went over to Flanders to concert measures with the duchess and the sham duke.

As pet buffoon of the tories about town, Mountfort was followed, at a considerable distance of time, by Estcourt an actor who united wit and fine humor with irresistible powers of mimicry; and who contrived to acquire the respect and affectionate regard of many of those famous Whigs whom it was alike his pleasure and his business to render ridiculous.

Mountfort came over with William, as a knight, and an officer of rank; but, perhaps, did not immediately receive the grant, for the king would act again much like other people, give away their property, before he would give away his own.

Such is the tottering point of human greatness. Another of the name of Bracebridge, who for more than six hundred years, figured in the first ranks of life. A third of the name of Mountfort, who shone with meridian splendor, through a long train of ages.