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"Excellency," said Philip who had been wandering restlessly about among the trees, "I know that you are but an indifferent gypsy, and strongly averse to baked potatoes, but such as it is, let me extend to you the hospitality of my camp. Doubtless Miss Westfall will dispatch Johnny for your motorcycle." The Baron accepted. "There is one thing more, Miss Westfall," he added as they were leaving.

"We were mighty lucky to come through with a whole skin," replied Bart. "More than the machine has done, I'm afraid," remarked Frank. "I can tell by the way she runs that there's something wrong with the tires." He looked behind, and seeing no signs of pursuit, he stopped the motorcycle and dismounted. Something had indeed happened to the tires.

That was where I blundered; but I didn't quite reckon on Lander." "You've got me guessing. I wish you'd explain." "I will. Did you think I took that journey to Barville on your old motorcycle merely for recreation?" "Not exactly; I had an idea you went over there to talk with Copley and Roberts for the purpose of finding out how strong the Barville nine really was."

He wore a leather jacket, and he rode a battered, second-hand motorcycle, and on the saddle behind him an obvious kid brother rode, leather-jacketed as Soames was, capped as he was, scowling as Soames did, and in all ways imitating his elder. Which was so familiar a sight that nobody noticed Fran at all.

Tearing up the note, he mounted his bicycle and rode off to the station in a very bitter frame of mind. When he had sold his motorcycle at Liverpool, Dick found it would be prudent to take a third-class passage, but regretted this as soon as the liner left the St. George's channel.

There will be two men to a motorcycle; a driver and a man on the tandem seat, ready to spring from the wheel and plunge into the surf and make a rescue. He should be the best swimmer of the pair, of course. "All along the beach I have had signal towers built, each of which will be manned by a scout.

"Oh, well then, I'm glad they did fight with snowballs," returned Grace in a different tone. The big box had been unloaded in front of the cabin when the boys arrived, and while Grace and Mollie went in to talk to Betty and Amy, the boys proceeded to get out the motor. As Will had said this was one taken from a motorcycle. It was of two cylinders, and powerful.

But, even in that moment, the two he left behind him were busy. Jack sprang to the other motorcycle, and tried to start it, but in vain. Something was wrong; the motor refused to start. "That's what he was doing when I saw him first," cried Harry, with a flash of inspiration. "I thought it was Dick, trying to start his motor it was Graves trying to keep us from starting it!

Yet recent observation of the interior of the stomach through an incision in the body, has shown that just as soon as the food is tasted in the mouth, a purely mental process, the stomach begins to well forth those fluids that are suitable for digestion. The press recently contained an account of a motorcycle race in Newark, New Jersey. The scene was a great bowl-shaped motor-drome.

It would be foolish to save an hour or two by hard riding and lose everything at the end for lack of the power to break through. And a motorcycle can do better than the fastest horse." "But how did you get one?" asked Fred. "And the German uniform?" Ivan smiled significantly. "I met a man of about my size," he said. "I was walking. And I was tired. I took his cycle and his uniform away from him."