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A gentleman of Devonshire with which county Monk was closely connected by ties of property named William Morrice, had there spent a studious life, but was understood to have leanings towards the Royalist party, A friend of that unsullied loyalist, Sir Bevil Grenville, Morrice had been left in charge of his family, now represented by young Sir John Grenville, the son of Sir Bevil.

Mr Meadows, though he seemed to think this a very extraordinary encroachment, had already made such an effort from his general languor in the repulse he had given to Morrice, that he could exert himself no further; but after looking around him with mingled vacancy and contempt, he again seated himself, and suffered Morrice to do the honours without more opposition.

So to supper and to bed. 9th. To the Privy Seal in the morning, but my Lord did not come, so I went with Captain Morrice at his desire into the King's Privy Kitchen to Mr.

On a certain night fixed by him the surprise-party were to be ready with ladders, which they must erect in two places against the wall. Morrice would see that safe sentinels were posted at these points. At a signal agreed upon they were to mount the ladders and break into the castle. The night came. Morrice was in the castle, where he shared the governor's bed.

"But, Sir," said Morrice, "I wish you would be so kind as to give us your vote; the man will else be gone so far, we sha'n't be able to overtake him. Though I do really believe that is the very fellow coming back to peep at us again!"

Lessons, or tasks, should be short. Mistakes of some manual labor schools. Of particular amusements in the nursery. With small wooden cubes pictures shuttlecock the rocking horse tops and marbles backgammon checkers morrice dice nine-pins skipping the rope trundling the hoop playing at ball kites skating and swimming dissected maps black boards elements of letters dissected pictures.

"My merry mates, the morrice dancers," thought he; "I would know old Jeremy's rebeck among an hundred. I will venture across the street ere they pass on; if I am espied, I shall have the renown of some private quest, which may do me honour as a roving blade."

Morrice the wine cooper with us, he having been at Deptford to view some of the King's casks we have to sell. So to bed. 27th. Up and among my workmen, my work going on still very well. So to my office all the morning, and dined again with Sir W. Batten, his Lady being in the country.

"O Lord!" cried Morrice, amazed, "I should not have suspected Miss Beverley would have talked so!" "And do you suspect she did now?" cried Cecilia. "Pho, pho," cried Monckton, coolly, "why he heard it himself the whole time! and so shall all our party by and bye, if I can but remember to mention it."

He wore sandals, fastened on with ribands of scarlet silk, and held in his hand a sort of fan, such as ladies then used, composed of the same feathers, assembled into a plume or tuft. "What mister wight have we here," said the Indian chief, "who dares to tie the bells of a morrice on the ankles of a dull ass?