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I know it is a country of brave men, and sometimes I am wondering if it is the same for beautiful women. Tell me!" and she leaned on an arm that shone warm, soft, and thrilling from the short sleeve of her gown, and put the sweetest of chins upon a hand for the wringing of hearts. Montaiglon looked into those eyes, so frank and yet profound, and straight became a rebel.

"About that, M. Montaiglon, it is perhaps as well that the Duke of Argyll's Chamberlain should know nothing at all. You are a wild lot, my gallant Jacobites" he laughed softly as he spoke.

"And is she a Macfarlane?" asked Montaiglon, surprised. "No less," replied Doom. "She's a cousin of Andy's; but there's little love lost between them." "Speaking of bats!" thought Count Victor, but he did not hint at his new conclusions. "Well, I am glad," said he; "they left me but remorse last time; this time here's a souvenir," and he showed the button.

I'll alio' I've seen it no' sae empty, if that's what ye mean; but if it's no' jist Dumbarton or Dunedin, it's still auld bauld Doom, and an ill deevil to crack, as the laddie said that found the nutmeg." "But surely," conceded Montaiglon, "and yet, and yet have you ever heard of Jericho, M. Boyd? Its capitulation was due to so simple a thing as the playing of a trumpet or two."

It was only for a moment the difficulties of the situation mastered him. "I have permitted myself, monsieur, to intrude upon you upon an excuse that must seem scandalously inadequate," said he. "My name is Montaiglon " "With the particle, I think?" said Sim MacTaggart. Count Victor started slightly.

As Montaiglon went up to his room, the guttering candle flame, puffed at by hidden and mischievous enemies from broken ports and gun-slits, showed upon the landing lower than his own a long corridor he had not observed upon his first ascent. With the candle held high above his head he glanced into the passage, that seemed to have several doors on either hand.

"True, in a sense. The wretch but died. We must all die; we all know it, though none of us believe it." "I am glad to say that after all you only wounded yon Macfarlane; so Petullo learned but yesterday, and I clean forgot to tell you sooner." Montaiglon looked mightily relieved. "So!" said he; "I shall give a score of the best candles to St. Denys if I remember when I get home again.

Often she would turn her back upon that wizened atomy of quirks and false ideals, and let her bosom pant to think to-night! to-night! to-night! When the Chamberlain and Montaiglon were announced she could have cried aloud with joy.

"M. le Baron, I make you my compliments of your complacence," said Count Victor, rising to his feet and desirous to end the discussion. "I am only Victor de Montaiglon, poorly educated in the forgiveness of treachery, and lamentably incapable of the nobihty de cour that you profess.

"There's nothing underhand about him, so far as I know, to give even his Grace an excuse for confining him, for it seems he's a wine merchant out of Bordeaux, one Montaiglon, come here on business, and stopped at Doom through an attack on his horse by the same Macfarlanes who are of interest to us for another reason, as was spoken of at his Grace's table last night."