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The principle of Government control of rates and profits, now thoroughly imbedded in our governmental attitude toward natural monopolies such as the railways, at once eliminates the need of competition by small units as a method of rate adjustment. Competition must be preserved as a stimulus to service, but this will exist and can be increased tinder enlarged systems.

Jesse K. Johnson, superintendent of one of the largest mines in the Pittsburg district. Both Mark Hanna and Grover Cleveland have stated that a six year Presidential term would be of great benefit to the United States. Senator La Follet, who has made a thorough study of many of the principal monopolies in the country, states that the Standard Oil trust charges exorbitant rates. Mr.

For instance, he got after the monopolies, and the cost of living is twenty per cent. lower in Indiana than just across the line in Ohio." "Then I should say that all the large interests in the country would line up against him," said I. "Every one," said Merriweather, and an expression of understanding flitted across his face. He went on: "But it ain't much use talking about him.

Let me read you this passage on monopolies. Then there is young Tribonian Quirk. By G , what a mind that fellow has got! By G , nothing but first principles will go down with these fellows! They laugh at anything else. By G , sir, they look upon the administration of the present day as a parcel of sucking babes!

But fanatical institutionalism has been the driving force of Catholicism as a power in the world, from the very first. The Church has lived by its monopolies and conquered by its intolerance. The war has given a further impetus to the fall of this belief, which, with its dogma, Extra ecclesiam nulla salus, was tottering before the crisis came.

They were given me by those men I was with, in the forest. They said that they were very difficult to dispose of, as the mines are monopolies of government so, when my man Meinik proposed it, they acceded at once to his request, and handed a number of them over to me. "I have not even looked at them. There may be someone, here, who could tell me what they are worth."

If we pass it now, it will gradually extricate us from them. It will secure to us a House of Commons, which, by preserving peace, by destroying monopolies, by taking away unnecessary public burthens, by judiciously distributing necessary public burthens, will, in the progress of time, greatly improve our condition.

"Now, there is no way to put an end to monopolies except by the people rising in their might and reassuming their own. "The hypocritical advice of the leaders of the great universities, that the people ostracize the Magnates, has now ceased to satisfy the exigencies of the case.

Scherer, I've been making a study of the Boyne Iron Works. You are clever men, but you are building up monopolies which we propose to stop. 'By what means?" I asked. "'Rebates, for one, said he, 'you get preferential rates from your railroad which give you advantages over your competitors. Foolishness!" Mr. Scherer exclaimed.

The Populists openly cursed the monopolies and declared that the prerogatives should not be suffered to touch the old liberties of England.