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Contemporary history informs us that Bianca stayed in the Palazzo Tempo di Valse for seven years, visiting Pizzicato from time to time, and employing herself with various love affairs. In June she became betrothed to Duke Crazioso di Pianno-Forti, of the famous family of Moderato e Diminuendo indirectly descended from the Cardinal Appassionato Tutti.

In February he produced L'Allegro, adapted by Charles Jennens from Milton's L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, to which Jennens had added a third part of his own, Il Moderato; but the public, whether from indifference to the work or from fear of the cold, refused to come to it.

Ferdinand Von Inten, a New York pianist, saw the original Chopin manuscript at Stuttgart. This testimony is final. The D natural robs the bar of all meaning. It is insipid, colorless. Kullak gives 60 to the half note at the moderato. On the third page, third bar, he uses F natural in the treble. So does Klindworth, although F sharp may be found in some editions.

The page was turned back without a pause, and the music went on. This piece of music begins with an introduction in adagio. The opening bars are smooth and graceful, and then the melody becomes more difficult, and moves in sixths and thirds. It ends in a brilliant cadenza, that leads to the theme in moderato time. This part is not very difficult in rhythm, and is bright and pleasing in character.

In the warm evening they saw and rub away at presto time as if they were determined to get to the end of the selection before the curtain goes up for the moonlight scene; but they slacken to moderato when the nights grow cooler, slower, always slower, and fainter as the chill air creeps through the woods.

The word "Moderato" was written in by the Composer's direction, without any request from the editor. Later, the words "With feeling" and the mark of expression "pp," were obtained in the same way. Ties, grace-notes, and staccato-marks were insisted upon, here and there, with great vigor and earnestness. Two further examples of the Composer's independence will perhaps suffice.

They pealed forth now, one after the other, in a slow-moving decrescendo, until they constituted a solemn chorus played in moderato, melting at last into the lovely and serious main theme, which in the finale streamed away and beyond into infinity, dying out on an arpeggiated chord. Where the piano failed to produce the full effect, Daniel helped out with his crow-like voice.

A long cadenza leads to the last movement in moderato time and in the key of E. It finally ends in an allegro coda that abounds in brilliant and difficult writing. What a dreadful uproar they did make over the child. It seemed as if they never would stop clapping and cheering. She could not go, but must stay and bow in a demure fashion, that was perfectly captivating.

with later pizzicato figure of low strings. On these, a bold conflict and climax is reared. If we care to indulge in the bad habit of calling names, we might see "Proud Ambition" in the first motives, intertwined with sounds of sombre discontent. The pace grows animando, piu mosso; moderato molto.

Assuming that medical treatment is no longer or not at all required, we recommend: That all practices be only piano, or, at most, moderato, for some time; that they be of very brief duration at any one period, so as to avoid fatigue; that they be well within the range of the singer.