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That the rider, from his position on the other side of his body, with his moccason extended over the spine of the animal, was keeping close watch of the youth the latter did not need to be told. He must have seen Warren, after holding his weapon levelled for a moment, lower it again, disappointed at the vanishing target. The next moment the Sioux discharged his weapon.

They tighten belts, take bow, knife, an' axe, and follow on track. "One night they find tracks in snow, and soon come up to the camp. Many warriors in that camp make long camp, and door at each end, and fire at door. All Quedetchque inside take off moccason and bathe sore feet in big birch-bark tub near door; then wait until Coquan mend moccasons.

Conanchet shook his head, and spread the fingers of his two hands in a manner to describe the radii of a circle. "Hugh!" he said, starting even while he was thus significantly answering by gestures, "a moccason comes!" Submission, who had so often and so recently been arrayed against the savages, involuntarily sought the lock of his carbine.

Even the ringing of my skates on the ice echoed back from the Moccason Hill with a startling clearness, and the crackle of the ice as I passed over it in my course seemed to follow the tide of the river with lightning speed. I had gone up the river nearly two miles when, coming to a little stream which empties into the larger, I turned in to explore its course.

Snakes were often to be met with, although harmless if unmolested; amongst these, the moccason, hoop, and garter snakes, of which I procured several specimens, were the most common to be met with. Rattle-snakes exist in rocky districts, but I saw none of them here.

It was crawling directly for the tree on which hung the nest. Frank and I stood still where we were determined to watch its movements, as we had done those of the opossum. On reaching the root of the pawpaw, it stopped for a moment, as if to consider. "`Do you think it is going to climb up to the nest? inquired my companion. "`No, I replied, `the moccason is not a tree-climber.

Why are you tracking me!" demanded the captain angrily, but the wily Indian, instead of starting back and betraying himself by terror, advanced quietly, not even removing his hand from the hidden knife hilt, and answered smoothly in his own tongue, "The red man's moccason sounds not upon the sand as the white man's boot. I did but come to ask my lord if he will not rest at all.

That article is now fitted with India-rubber soles for the Quebec demand, a continuation of the sole running in a low strip round the edge of the foot. With the gradual widening of that strip, until the moccason of the red man has been clean obliterated from things that are by the India-rubber of the white, will the remnant of the Hurons have passed away with things that were.

She took the wrong trail at first, and galloped nimbly out upon it; but, almost in the same breath, returned to the tree, and then started upon the other. "During all these manoeuvres, the snake was crawling off as fast as he could which at best was only a very tardy gait, for the moccason is but a slow traveller.

That drama has degenerated into a very feeble farce now, and the actors in it would be quite outdone in their travesty by any average corps of "supes" at one of our theatres. By-and-by all this will have died out, and the "Indian side" of the stream at Lorette will be assimilated in all its features to the other. The moccason is already typifying the decadence of aboriginal things there.