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For a minute or more Miss Thorne sat perfectly still, gazing at the blank wooden panels, then she rose and went to the window again. In the distance, hazy in the soft night, the dome of the capitol rose mistily; over to the right was the congressional library, and out there where the lights sparkled lay Pennsylvania Avenue, a thread of commerce.

"Uncle George dead," he said, at last, shaking his head. "Hadn't pleasure acquaintance, but good man. Good man." He shook his head again and gazed mistily at his wife. "He was a teetotaller," she remarked, casually. "He was tee-toiler," repeated Mr. Gribble, regarding her equably. "Good man. Uncle George dead-tee-toller." Mrs. Gribble gathered up her work and began to put it away.

He knew it was a taxicab because he could hear the sound of the panting engine. The curb-end of the canopy was curtained by the abominable fog. Mistily a forlorn figure emerged. The doorman started leisurely toward this figure. Killigrew pushed him aside violently. Molly, with her hat gone, her hair awry, her dress torn, her gloves ragged, her eyes puffed!

The best study for such a day or the best amusement: call it what you will is a book of travels describing scenes the most unlike that sombre one which is mistily presented through the windows.

If certain disturbing reflections anent that woman who had run to him wildly, out in the street, came mistily clouding the estimate she tried to place upon his character, she confessed he certainly had the right to make an explanation.

If thou keep whole thy stirring of love that thou mayst feel by grace in thine heart, and scatter not thy ghostly beholding therefrom then that same that thou feelest shall well conne tell thee when thou shalt speak and when thou shalt be still, and it shall govern thee discreetly in all thy living without any error, and teach thee mistily how thou shalt begin and cease in all such doing of kind with a great and sovereign discretion.

A great deal of blood was taken before the captain opened his eyes and looked mistily about him. First he recognised the doctor with an unmistakable frown; then his glance fell upon me, and he looked relieved. But suddenly his colour changed, and he tried to raise himself, crying "Where's Black Dog?" "There is no Black Dog here," said the doctor, "except what you have on your own back.

He looked in his eyes long and earnestly, the others holding their breaths. Presently he said, without relaxing his gaze: 'Did you see mistily at first? 'Yes. 'Seeing at the periphery; but the centre being opaque? 'Yes! How did you know? Why, I couldn't see' see pointing to Stephen 'Lady de Lannoy; though her face was right in front of me! Dr.

He went to bed, and fell into the deep sleep which sometimes follows a great moral shock. It was perhaps rather a torpor than a sleep. LAPHAM awoke confused, and in a kind of remoteness from the loss of the night before, through which it loomed mistily. But before he lifted his head from the pillow, it gathered substance and weight against which it needed all his will to bear up and live.

He did not very well comprehend the grounds of her feeling or reasoning, but he began to see, mistily, that his own had been mistaken and wild. His step grew slower, his eye more intent, his brow quiet. "She is right, and I am wrong," he thought. "She is by far the nobler creature worth many such as I. Like her I cannot be I cannot regain what I have lost I cannot undo what years have done.