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And so he moved on to the mill-road, on which he entered, and was soon deep in the shadows of Redman's Dell. He opened the tiny garden-gate of Redman's Farm, looking about him with a supercilious benevolence, like a man conscious of bestowing a distinction.

'I'll stay here that is, in the drawing-room, she answered, and the face was withdrawn. In the little hall Stanley looked again at his watch, and getting quietly out, went swiftly through the tiny garden, and once upon the mill-road, ran at a rapid pace down towards the town. The long street of Gylingden stretched dim and silent before him.

This must come to an end. And he locked up the piano, put the key in his pocket, and set forth in quest of coffee. As he went, his mind trudged for the hundredth time a certain mill-road of terrors, misgivings, and regrets.

So, old Tamar, after a little, took her departure; and it needed a great effort to enable her to take the turn up the dark and lonely mill-road, leading to Redman's Farm; so much did she dread the possibility of again encountering the person she had just described.

As he walked down the mill-road toward the town, he met Lord Chelford on his way to make enquiry about Rachel at Redman's Farm; and Lake, who, as we know, had just seen his sister, gave him all particulars. Chelford, like the lawyer, had heard from Mark Wylder that morning a few lines, postponing his return.

She looked up with the instinct of prayer, and clasped her hands on the handle of that little bag which had made the mysterious journey with her; a load which no man could lift lay upon her heart. Then she commenced her dark walk up the mill-road her hands still clasped, her lips moving in broken appeals to Heaven.

In a few minutes more they were walking in deep darkness and silence, side by side, along the path, which diverging from the mill-road, penetrates the coppice of that sequestered gorge, along the bottom of which flows a tributary brook that finds its way a little lower down into the mill-stream.

He must walk alone by the shop-doors where the little man was so admired and up the mill-road, and in the castle meadow and over the stile where they used to sit. Poor Dolly! Her Willie would not tell her yet.

When the light wheels of the dog-cart gritted on the mill-road before the little garden gate of Redman's Farm, the tall slender figure of Rachel Lake was dimly visible, standing cloaked and waiting by it. Silently she handed her little black leather bag to her brother, and then there was a pause. He stretched his hand to help her up. In a tone that was icy and bitter, she said

Stanley Lake did not appear that day; Wylder was glowering and abstracted worse company than usual; and Rachel seemed to have quite passed from his recollection. While Rachel Lake was, as usual, busy in her little garden that day, Lord Chelford, on his way to the town, by the pretty mill-road, took off his hat to her with a smiling salutation, and leaning on the paling, he said