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The mellowness of autumn still lingered in the atmosphere, for the season of the harvest-moon is the most beautiful in the world. The glorious orb illumined the fairy grotto with a radiance as intense as the noonday sun's.

Shall I ever attain that mellowness of soul in which all the vividness of impression remains, yet in which it has become possible to perfect the expression? I fear not. Most likely, when I reach the stage of refining the expression, I shall have nothing to say, and so remain silent. In my books, as in most that are modern, there is an indefinable resentment against life and against society.

The few windows give a soft light, and the brown of the stone has a mellowness that is both rich and reposeful. If the Cathedral could have been finished in the style of the first bays of the nave, it would have been a nobly dignified example of the Romanesque. Could it have been re-built in the slender Gothic of the last bay, it would have been an exquisite example of Provençal Gothic.

But when he turned to find Sarah watching, stiff and uncompromising, from the doorway, he remembered with painful certainty her attitude toward his propensity to pick up any stray that might catch him in a moment of too pronounced mellowness stray human or feline or lost yellow dog. Sarah's gaze, however, was not for her brother at that moment.

Which were dignified and unblameworthy ... only, wine and beer went around till a human mellowness and conversational glow was reached. A trifling incident renewed my resolve to continue as a student regularly enrolled.... Though considered a freak and nut, I was generally liked among the students, and liked most of them in turn....

"This liquor," said the schoolmaster, "would be nothing the worse of a little daicent mellowness and flavor; but, at the same time, we must admit that, though sadly deficient in a spirit of exhilaration, it bears a harmonious reference to the beautiful beef and cabbage which we got for dinner. The whole of them are what I designate as sorry specimens of metropolitan luxury.

The theist, however, will not fail to tell the atheist, as he calls him, that these systems are not such as superstition paints them; that the colours are coarse, too glaring, ill assorted, the perspective out of all keeping; he will then exhibit his own picture, in which the tints are certainly blended with more mellowness, the colouring of a more pleasing hue, the whole more harmonious, but the distances equally indistinct: the atheist, in reply, will say, that superstition itself, with all the absurd prejudices, all the mischievous notions to which it gives birth, are only corollaries drawn from the fallacious ideas, from those obscure principles, which the deicolist himself indulges.

His feelings to Camilla, so sudden in their growth so ripened and so favoured by the Sub-Ruler of the world CIRCUMSTANCE might not, perhaps, have the depth and the calm completeness of that, One True Love, of which there are many counterfeits, and which in Man, at least, possibly requires the touch and mellowness, if not of time, at least of many memories of perfect and tried conviction of the faith, the worth, the value and the beauty of the heart to which it clings; but those feelings were, nevertheless, strong, ardent, and intense.

"Mary," he said, his voice having the mellowness of age in its deep appreciation, "Mary, wherever you saw this skied or put in a corner among a thousand other pictures, in a warehouse, a Quaker meetinghouse, anywhere, whatever its surroundings should you feel its compelling power? Should you pause, incapable of analysis, in a spell of tribute?"

It was a saddened face it might always be a saddened face but a certain pleasant, rested look had worked its way about her mouth, not unlike the rich mellowness of a rainy sunset. Not that Sharley knew much about sunsets yet; but she thought she did, which, as I said before, amounts to about the same thing.