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"O genie!" replied the fisherman, "thou who wast but a moment ago the greatest of all genies, and now art the least of them, thy crafty discourse will signify nothing, to the sea thou shalt return. If thou hast been there already so long as thou hast told me, thou may'st very well stay there till the day of judgment.

"... For the time when thou did'st love me, I do thank thee well; And I hope that elsewhere Thou may'st better fare...." "Christophe!" said Olivier. Christophe hugged him close. "Come, old fellow," he said. "We have fared well." The four of them sat near the sleeping child. They did not speak.

Long may'st thou weep, but never shalt thou see Thy fair-hair'd mariner return to thee, Clasp thy young beauty in a long embrace, And read his pardon in thy happy face; Thy gentle prayers, fair mourner, could not save! Thy sailor sleeps within the stormy wave. The catastrophe which is now about to be related made a deep impression on the public mind.

"Love, therefore, labour: if thou should'st not want it for food, thou may'st for physic. It is wholesome for the body, and good for the mind; it prevents the fruit of idleness." William Penn. "The parent who does not teach his child a trade, teaches him to be a thief." Brahminical Scriptures.

If thou wilt call me Brother Cross, my heart shall acknowledge the bonds between us, and my tongue shall make answer to thine, in like fashion. Oh, Alfred Stevens, may the light shine soon upon thine eyes, that thou may'st know for a truth how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in the peace of of the Lord, and according to his law.

Victor Durnovo stooped over one of these. He buried his face among the leaves of it, and suddenly he toppled over. "Yes," he cried as he fell, "it's Simiacine!" And he turned over with a groan of satisfaction, and lay like a dead man. Since all that I can ever do for thee Is to do nothing, may'st thou never see, Never divine, the all that nothing costeth me.

May thy manners, language, and deportment, all evince that modest equanimity, and cheerful gratitude, which not merely deserve, but dignify prosperity! May'st thou, to the last moments of an unblemished life, retain thy genuine simplicity, thy singleness of heart, thy guileless sincerity!

I bought them with mine own-or rather with thine, sweet heart. I had been saving up the money for a carcanet for thy fair neck. 'So my neck be fair in thine eyes, my lord, it may go bare and be well clad. I should, in sad earnest, be jealous of the pretty stones didst thou give my neck one look the more for their presence. Here! thou may'st sell these the next time thou goest London-wards.

Seeing Fitzpiers standing there, she said, with playful effrontery, "May'st kiss me if 'canst catch me, Tim!" Fitzpiers recognized her as Suke Damson, a hoydenish damsel of the hamlet, who was plainly mistaking him for her lover. He was impulsively disposed to profit by her error, and as soon as she began racing away he started in pursuit.

"On that thou may'st with fullest confidence rely," replied Croesus with warmth, returning the pressure of Amasis' hand. "I will protect thy Nitetis as if I were her father; and she will need my help, for the apartments of the women in the Persian palaces are dangerous ground. But she will meet with great consideration.