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These, consisting of a shawl and a skirt and a bodice, were of extraordinary value, and Mrs. Bolton wanted them back or their equivalent in value. She mentioned that she would prefer the sum of five pounds. "Why do you not ask Mr. Hope yourself?" said Lucy who was too impatient to bear with the old creature's maunderings. "If you gave him the things he will no doubt return them."

He could not in the least guess just what had in very deed happened, but he was far too clever a man to be bamboozled by Dick's maunderings. "Oh, that's it!" he exclaimed, with obvious incredulity. "Of course," Dick replied bravely, though he knew that the Inspector disbelieved his pretenses.

The latitude and longitude are mine, and the bearings from the oak ribs on the shoal to Lion's Head, and the cross-bearings from the points unnamable, I only know. I only still live of all that brave, mad, scallywag ship's company . . . " "Will you sign the articles to that?" the Jew demanded, cutting in on the ancient's maunderings. "What port do you wind up the cruise in?" Daughtry asked.

"Bog-lights, vapours of mysticism, psychic overtones, soul orgies, wailings among the shadows, weird gnosticisms, veils and tissues of words, gibbering subjectivisms, gropings and maunderings, ontological fantasies, pan-psychic hallucinations this is the stuff, the phantasms of hope, that fills your bookshelves.

Why couldn't you 'a' been learnin' some of them clever things, so you could 'a' married some good-hearted woman with lots of money but no " Uncle Peter's tones were bitter to excess "you was a rich man's son and raised in idleness and now, when the rainy day's come, you can't even take a white rabbit out of a stove-pipe hat!" To these senile maunderings Percival paid no attention.

The main current of routine was a hopeless monotony of official correspondence, investigations, statistics, reading and reporting on the interminable and flatulent maunderings of the Legislature, duties heart-breaking in their desperate tedium and maddening inutility.

Deeper and deeper; he knew that he never could go back to that safe ledge of the heart-free. Time could not change his heart, not if given the thousand years of the wandering Jew. Bah! He would walk round the fountain and cool his crazy pulse. He was Irish, Irish to the core. Would any one, save an Irishman, give way, day after day, to those insane maunderings?

The firmness with which he rebukes the maunderings of the Genevese hypochondriac of whom some one once unkindly remarked that he was not so much intoxicated with Idealism as suffering from the subsequent headache is equalled by the kindness of the dealing; and the quiet decision with which he puts his fine writing in its proper place is better still.

Thus the small, keen, determined, ugly artist, swift and sudden as lightning, struck through all the hesitations, the consultations, the maunderings, the doubts, and the delays of the two authorities who had the matter in hand, the Signoria and the Operai, as who should say the working committee, and who made a hundred difficulties and shook their wise heads, and considered one foolish and futile plan after another with true burgher hesitation and wariness.

Their babblings and maunderings about something to eat were painful to hear. I have before mentioned the case of the Plymouth Pilgrim near me, whose insanity took the form of imagining that he was sitting at the table with his family, and who would go through the show of helping them to imaginary viands and delicacies. The cravings for green food of those afflicted with the scurvy were, agonizing.