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"What do you say, sirs," he said, "shall I have this man court martialed, or shall I have him returned to his regiment with a warning?" But there was no mercy on the faces of the others and Chester realized it. "He should be court martialed and shot," said one. "I agree with you," said another. "I'm not so sure," said the Crown Prince. "The lad is young.

Extravagance of Paul. His Despotism. The Horse Court Martialed. Progress of the French Revolution. Fears and Violence of Paul I. Hostility to Foreigners. Russia Joins the Coalition against France. March of Suwarrow. Character of Suwarrow. Battle on the Adda. Battle of Novi. Suwarrow Marches to the Rhine. His Defeat and Death. Paul Abandons the Coalition and Joins France. Conspiracies at St.

On the day alluded to Colonel Rutherford martialed his men by the beating of drums and the bugle's blast; officers headed their companies, regiments formed, with flags flying, then when all was ready the troops were marched to the brow of a hill, or rather half way down the hill, and formed line of battle, there to await the coming of the Georgians.

Money is very precious to the poor Army at present, too, for not one dollar has been paid to officers or enlisted men for over three months! How officers with large families can possibly manage this move I do not see sell their pay accounts I expect, and then be court martialed for having done so.

Most people would have straight court martialed and beheaded the man; as England hanged poor Admiral Byng pour encourager les autres. And all the while they have been having the sublime impudence to keep an army in Spain conquering there. How to account for this unsubduability? Well; there is Numa's teaching; and what you might call a latent habit of Caput-Mundi-ship: imperial seeds in the soil.

Tells How the Chaplain was Paralyzed by the Spotted Circus- Horse I am Court Martialed I Plead my own Case, and am Acquitted. In the last chapter I told of trading my circus-horse to the chaplain, and how the chaplain had rode away with the regiment for review, and I remained in camp, pretending to be sick. The result of that scheme on my part was not all my fancy painted it.

"What?" roared the general, "and in my tent! I'll have him court martialed!" Stubbs quailed visibly. "A war correspondent, eh," continued the general, "and walking about within my lines as free as air. He may be a spy. I'll have him shot." "Look here, general," said Stubbs, "I " "Silence!" thundered General Petain. He turned to Hal. "Your name, sir?" "Paine, sir." "A lieutenant, I see."

One night when the Thirteenth Minnesota Regiment was on police duty, and no one was allowed on the streets after seven o'clock at night, with a fellow soldier I started out to go to a dance outside of the city walls; we knew that if we were caught we would be court martialed. To avoid all the risk possible we went out before seven o'clock, and took chances on getting back to quarters safely.

"Bayonets don't.... I suppose I could get him court martialed if I tried. But I shan't. After all, it was his captain. I don't blame him, Charlotte." "No.... It was really you and me, Billy. We brought him back to be killed." "I don't know that we did bring him that he wasn't coming by himself. He couldn't keep off it. Even if we did, you wouldn't be sorry for that, would you?" "No.

"Evelina," she began, as soon as she had martialed her forces into rocking-chairs, though she had Jasper bring her the stiffest and straightest-backed one in the house, "I have collected as many women as I had time to, and have come up here to tell you, and them, that the men in Glendale are so lacking in sense and judgment that the time has come for women to stand forth and assume the responsibility of them and Glendale in general.