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They sit cross-legged with their right elbows resting on their left hands, the right forefinger pointing upwards. We will come into the city disguised, from the direction of Marma, and will claim to be these gods. We must be seven as they are. And when we sit, we must sit cross-legged as they do, with the right hand uplifted.

"What are you 'Lendicotting' me for?" Hilariously with her own knife and fork the Little Crippled Girl began to beat upon the table. "Why, you dear Silly!" she cried. "Why, if I'm the new Marma, I've got to call you 'Lendicott'! And Peach has got to call you 'Fat Father'!" Frenziedly the Senior Surgeon pushed back his chair, and jumped to his feet.

ILLANAUN Most reverend Deity, their piety is so great that they have gone to worship even your shrines. AGMAR I know these men that have great piety. Such men have often prayed to me before, but their prayers are not acceptable. They little love the gods, their only care is their piety. I know these pious ones. They will say that the seven gods were still at Marma.

DROMEDARY MAN Their shrines were empty. OORANDER Behold the gods of the mountain! AKMOS They have indeed come from Marma. OORANDER Come. Let us go away to prepare a sacrifice, a mighty sacrifice to atone for our doubting. SLAG My most wise Master! AGMAR No, no, Slag. I do not know what has befallen. When I went by Marma only two weeks ago the idols of green jade were still seated there.

They speak of a prophecy read somewhere of old. It says the seven gods shall come from Marma in the guise of men. ILLANAUN Is this a true prophecy? OORANDER It is all the prophecy we have. Man without prophecy is like a sailor going by night over uncharted seas. He knows not where are the rocks nor where the havens.

So shall they seem more pious to you all, pretending that they alone have seen the gods. Fools shall believe them and share in their damnation. You anger the gods. ILLANAUN I am not sure whom I anger. OORANDER It may be they are the gods. ILLANAUN Where are these men from Marma? CITIZEN Here are the dromedary men, they are coming now. AGMAR The men are doubters. How the gods hate the word!

THIEF Yes, on dromedaries. AGMAR They should be back to-day. OOGNO We are lost. THAHN We are lost. THIEF They must have seen the green jade idols sitting against the mountains. They will say, 'The gods are still at Marma. And we shall be burnt. SLAG My Master will yet devise a plan. SLAG My Master will devise a plan. OOGNO He has taken us into a trap. THAHN His wisdom is our doom.

"Silly Pink and White Nursie!" she chuckled, "Don't you know there isn't any Marma?" Cackling with delight over her own superior knowledge she folded her little arms and began to rock herself convulsively to and fro. "Why, stop!" cried the White Linen Nurse. "Now you stop! Why, you wicked little creature laughing like that about your poor dead mother!

Know you the land through which I have lately come in my wanderings? Marma, where the gods are carved from green stone in the mountains. They sit all seven of them against the hills. They sit there motionless and travellers worship them. ULF Yes, yes, we know those gods. They are much reverenced here; but they are drowsy and send us nothing beautiful. AGMAR They are of green jade.

Why, just think how bad it would make your poor Parpa feel!" With instant sobriety the Little Girl stopped rocking, and stared perplexedly into the White Linen Nurse's shocked eyes. Her own little face was all wrinkled up with earnestness. "But the Parpa didn't like the Marma!" she explained painstakingly. "The Parpa never liked the Marma! That's why he doesn't like me!