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"Dead?" questioned Webster. "As a door nail," returned the babbler. "Socorro's bad man," said Webster, sententiously. "Wasn't a bit of good in him. Gamblin', shootin', outlaw. Best job Buck ever done." He found Mary Jane in the kitchen, singing over the supper dishes. "Texas Rankin is dead over at San Marcial," he said, with the importance of one communicating delectable news.

Mary Jane continued with her dishes, looking at her father over her shoulder with a mild unconcern. "At San Marcial?" she said wonderingly. "I didn't know he had left Socorro!" "A week now," returned Webster with much complacence. "Fired him from Socorro for doin' that express job. Socorro's bad enough without Texas "

Therefore is the end written thus: Came to Jim Webster's home in Socorro a week later a babbler from San Marcial, who told a tale: "There was a man by the name of Texas Rankin came down to San Marcial last week an' went gunnin' for Buck Reible. Quickest thing you ever saw. Buck peppered him so fast you couldn't count; an' I'm told Texas wasn't no slouch with a gun, either."

Marcial that so died, and some say it was St. Maternus, and others say that it was St. Frank. Then St. Peter gave to him his staff and commanded that he should return to his fellow, and lay it upon him, which he so did, then he which had been forty days dead, anon arose all living.

For in San Marcial foregathered the men of the mines and the ranges; men of forgotten morals, but of brawn and muscle, whose hearts beat not with a yearning for high ideals, but with a lust for wealth and gain white, Indian, Mexican, half-breed; predatory spirits of many nations, opposed in the struggle for existence.

Marcial, where the Spaniards gave Soult such a dressing in 1813, passed a series of outer defences with their covering and working parties, and entered one of the gates of the town, and never a question was asked. Ditches had been dug round the place and earthworks thrown up; but the principal reliance of the garrison seemed to be in loophooled breastworks made of sand-bags superimposed.

On other days he travelled through Melancolicos Avenue to the Virgen del Puerto, from here to La Florida, then to Rosales Street, where he rummaged in the rubbish deposited by the tip-carts, continuing to the Plaza de San Marcial and arriving at the Plaza de los Mostenses. On the way Senor Custodio let nothing escape his eye; he would examine it and keep it if it were worth the trouble.

Marcial and Co. to Gregorio Miro and Co., 2069.28 dollars; insured against war risk. Keeler and Vonhiss to John Wilson, 724.20 dollars. Consigned to order, and for account and risk of "whom it may concern." Woolsey, consigned to order. Amount not stated, and no letter of advice. Berner to Field. Amount not stated, and no letter of advice. Herques and Maseras to Juan Melendez, 41.58 dollars.

Sebastian was stormed, Soult attempted a diversion for its relief by crossing the Bidassoa, and on the following day he engaged a large body of Spaniards at St. Marcial. On this occasion Wellington held the British troops in reserve, and the Spaniards without their aid defeated the French with great slaughter. So ended a well-planned and well-executed effort to reconquer the Spanish frontier.

Into San Marcial the unbeautiful, with its vista of unpainted shanties and lurid dives.