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Napoleon quits Moscow Battles of Vincovo and Malo-Yaraslovetz Retreat on Verreia and Smolensko Repeated Defeats and Sufferings of the French Smolensko Krasnoi Passage of the Beresina Smorgonie Napoleon quits the Army his arrival at Warsaw at Dresden in Paris.

But at midnight they were assaulted furiously within it, and driven back across the river Louja, where the leading divisions of the army bivouacked. Early in the morning the French retook Malo-Yaraslovetz at the point of the bayonet, and the greater part of the day was spent in a succession of obstinate contests, in the course of which the town five times changed masters.

Kutusoff, whether merely overpowered for the moment with that vague sentiment which Buonaparte's name had hitherto been accustomed to inspire, or that he knew of a still better position nearer Kalouga, was, in fact, retiring from his strong ground behind Malo-Yaraslovetz, at the moment when the French began to break up from the Louja.

The old Russian, however, penetrated this plan; and instantly, by a manœuvre of precisely the same kind marching to the eastward, and thence back to the centre again, baffled it. The French van, having executed the first part of their orders, and regained the middle road in the rear of Taroutino, advanced without opposition as far as Malo-Yaraslovetz, and occupied that town.