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Two days later General Savary retook the road to Vittoria, $he bearer of a letter from the emperor for the Prince of Asturias. "My brother, I have received the letter of your Royal Highness. You ought to have found proof, by the papers which you have had from the king your father, of the interest I have always taken in him.

The Commandant at the Presidio retook the place from the heathens, but on representation to the Governor that it was indefensible for the peaceful Fathers without a large military guard, the official ordered the removal of the mission to Santa Cruz, and Don Manuel settled his twenty leagues grant in the canada.

At Spion Kop, when the Boer leader, Schalk Burger, vacated the splendid position he had been ordered to take up, Louis Botha's genius grasped the mighty import of the situation, and he at once realised that Schalk Burger had blundered terribly, and it was he who retook those positions with such disastrous consequences to our forces.

I am pleased with you, and whatever his enemies say of Bob Clive, no one ever said of him that he forgot a friend." The forces proceeded to Calcutta next day, and retook the town with surprising ease.

Teddy went about the village in a coloured dress bearing herself confidently. Teddy had been listed now as "missing, since reported killed," and she had had two letters from his comrades. They said Teddy had been left behind in the ruins of a farm with one or two other wounded, and that when the Canadians retook the place these wounded had all been found butchered. None had been found alive.

I attacked a guard of the 63d and Prince of Wales' Regiment, with a number of Tories, at the Great Savannah, near Nelson's Ferry; killed and took twenty-two regulars, and two Tories prisoners, and retook one hundred and fifty Continentals of the Maryland line, one wagon and a drum; one captain and a subaltern were also captured.

But when we tried to salary her to stay, she laughed, scoffed, grew violent, and retook her entrenchments. And then, when she offered the ultimatum that we must take pay for keeping her, we took our turn again at the three forms of demonstration, and a late moon rose upon a drawn battle.

Eighth and Ninth Years of the War Invasion of Boeotia Fall of Amphipolis Brilliant Successes of Brasidas They accordingly got together a force from the allies and set sail, defeated in battle the troops that met them from Antandrus, and retook the place.

"You spoke, sir," said Cleave, "of a captured dispatch from General Kelly. May I see it?" Jackson took it from a box upon the table. "There it is." "Do you object, sir, to its reaching General Banks?" The other retook the paper, glanced over it, and gave it back. "No, not if it goes by a proper courier." "Has the former courier been sent to Richmond?" "Not yet." He wrote another line.

They were both old men, though Marcellus may have been looked upon as young in comparison with Fabius, who was upward of seventy, and who, eight years after his memorable pro-dictatorship, retook Tarentum and baffled Hannibal.