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He said he knew it would be very precious to you, but he felt shore he could trust me to bring it safe. Now, honey, I know you want to be by yourself, when you read your ma's last words. I will go and set in yonder by the fire, till you call me. My heart aches and swells fit to bust, and I can't stan' no more misery jest now, sech as this."

He had thrown one leg over the rails, and was about to swing himself into the road, when Sol spoke a little timidly. "I hear yo' ma's done lost her yaller cat, Mr. Christopher." For an instant Christopher hung midway of the fence. "Isn't the beast back yet?" he asked irritably, scraping the mud from his boot upon the rail. "I've had Uncle Boaz scouring the county half the day."

"You say you want nothing to do with oil?" "Anything but that. I know it so well, an' Ma's gettin' feeble." Again silence. "Of course, if you'd do it, I wouldn't ask no questions. I'd rather shut my eyes an' trust you than keep 'em open an' " "You don't know how much I'd like to say yes, but I fought Buddy to prevent him from making a mistake, and I sha'n't allow you to make this one." "Hm-m!

The other night I awoke with the awfulest pain you ever heard of. It was that night that you give me and my chum the bottle of pickled oysters that had begun to work. Well, I could't sleep, and I thought I would call the hired girls, and they got up and got breakfast to going, and then I rapped on Pa's and Ma's door and told them the breakfast was getting cold, and they got up and came down.

We got letters from your ma's folks and dey jes had to see her or else somebody would'er died, so we sailed back into de war." "Freedom was declared soon after we got back to dis country and de whole country was turned upside down. De po niggers went mad. Some refused to work and dey didn't stay in one place long 'nough to do a thing.

Next, he drew down the shades, shutting out the dreary afternoon, after which he lit the gas log, and soon the room, whether by reason of his glowing personality or his deft rearrangement of its contents, or both, became a warm and cheerful place. He had brought other gifts than flowers, too; thoughtful, expensive things that fairly took Ma's breath.

It's all that Mr Sam, who's ma's spoilt him, and indulged him, till he's grown into a nasty, overbearing, cigarette-smoking wretch, as treats servants as if they was the dirt under his feet." "Fanny," cried the lawyer, who felt that he was losing dignity in an unequal struggle, "send this woman down-stairs. Now, sir, you let go of that balustrade and come here."

Why thar's all ma's money which she left me in the Savin's Bank that I wanted to draw out for I had the right and give it to him, but he wouldn't hear of it! Why, he wouldn't take one of the things I've got with me, if he knew it.

When we saw that oil go over the crown block, and when they told us that black stuff was really oil, Ma busted out cryin' and said she'd see the mountains, after all then she wouldn't mind if she died. Pa he cried, too, we'd allus been so pore You see, Ma's kind of marked about mountains been that way since she was a girl. She cuts out stories and pictures of 'em.

"How does that happen?" "Mammy's gwine to git married agin, to Mistah Robinson, and she says nobody has a bettah right than me to be maid of honah to her own ma's weddin'. So that's how come she toted us all along to you-all's weddin', so that Sweety and Ca'line and the boys could learn how to act at her and Mistah Robinson's." "When is it to be?" inquired Lloyd. "To-morrow night.