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Marion hastened to her; she was of a most loving disposition, this motherless girl tender and kind of heart, and there was no one for her to love no father, mother, sister or brother; she was very rich, but quite alone in the world. She hastened to Miss Lyster's room, and found that young lady completely prostrated by what she called a nervous headache.

Lady Grosville shot glances of wrath, rose suddenly at one moment and sat down again; her girls talked more disjointedly than ever to the gentlemen who were civilly attending them; while, on the other hand, Miss Lyster's flow of conversation with Louis Harman was more softly copious than usual. At last the Dean's wife looked at the Dean, a signal of kind distress, and the Dean advanced.

She, in the eyes of this poor artist and his sister, was a queen it would not hurt her to stoop from her high estate. She turned her fair, troubled face to the astute woman by her side. "Even if I could do him any good by seeing him," she said, "how could it be managed?" Miss Lyster's stare of admiration was something wonderful to see. "Would you be so noble, so generous?

"Most certainly; I have begged her to remain here to-night, and I hope I shall prevail with her to continue with me till Dr Lyster's arrival; after which she will, doubtless, be guided either in staying longer, or removing elsewhere, by his advice."

It is simply this: that there would never be the least objection to Miss Arleigh following out any wish or any idea that should occur to her, but that in this case it would be impossible to carry out her wish. Miss Arleigh will soon be surrounded by friends and companions of her own age, and then she will not feel lonely." Miss Lyster's reply was a deep, silent bow.

She little dreamed that in the hurry of her flight she had dropped Allan Lyster's letter the letter in which he threatened to tell her husband the letter which drove her mad, and sent her from home. She had intended to destroy it; she believed she had done so; but the fact was, it had fallen from her hands on the floor, and she never thought of it again.

Well, so far as the world was concerned, she might mate with either with the mad notoriety of Cliffe or the young distinction of Ashe. Darrell's bitter heart contracted as he reflected that only for him and the likes of him, men of the people, with average ability, and a scarcely average income, were maidens of Mary Lyster's dower and pedigree out of reach.

And the girl in her simplicity believed him, and thought herself the most fortunate among woman to have won a love for herself that had in it no taint of this world. So they flung the glamor of love and flattery around her, until she lost the keen perception of right and wrong that would have saved her. She promised to be Allan Lyster's wife.

Delvile, in the utmost emotion, then returned to the chamber; but stood at some distance from the bed, waiting Dr Lyster's permission to approach it. Cecilia was quiet and composed, her recollection seemed restored, and her intellects sound: hut she was faint and weak, and contentedly silent, to avoid the effort of speaking.

"You are all goodness," said he, with a deep sigh; "and how I shall support but I mean not to return hither, at least not to this house, unless, indeed, Dr Lyster's account should be alarming. I leave my mother, therefore, to your kindness, and only hope, only entreat, that your own health, your own peace of mind neither by attendance upon her by anxiety by pity for her son "