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He said "Yes;" but added, in mental reference to the Linnean Society of San Francisco, that "THEY were rather particular about the rarer kinds." Content as Teresa had been to believe in Low's tender relations with some favored ONE of her sex, this frank confession of a plural devotion staggered her. "They?" she repeated. "Yes," he continued calmly.

I always wished I could do something for them both, and now I've got the chance: that is if you think they'd like to come." The deacon hesitated again, began to speak, broke off, hesitated, tried again, and at last stammered: "Don't think I don't feel your kindness, Hetty; but, low's Jim's fallen, I don't quite feel like having them go into anybody's kitchen, especially with black help."

Bernard did not stir till somebody had had the trouble of coming up to call him. The dinner was laid in the family dining-room. Miss Grizzy was seated at the head of the table when Bernard came in; she was in very good humour, and smart as usual. Mr. Evans was in Mr. Low's place at the bottom; the boys on each side.

Peninsula of Tres Montes. Granitic range. Boat-wrecked sailors. Low's Harbour. Wild potato. Formation of peat. Myopotamus, otter and mice. Cheucau and Barking-bird. Opetiorhynchus. Singular character of ornithology. Petrels.

In reality Germany had two mouthpieces. The Court defied Britain; the people refused to back that defiance with action." For a brief summary of the causes leading up to the strange half-year which followed our receipt of the American offer of assistance, I think we have nothing more lucid than this passage of Low's important work.

There were present, among others, Robert, Cavelier de la Salle, . . . Charles le Moyne, . . . two Godefroys of Three Rivers, . . . Groseillers, . . . Jolliet, . . . Pierre Radisson. Mr. Low's geological report on Labrador contains interesting particulars of the route followed by Father Albanel.

ON JANUARY the 15th we sailed from Low's Harbour, and three days afterwards anchored a second time in the bay of S. Carlos in Chiloe. On the night of the 19th the volcano of Osorno was in action. At midnight the sentry observed something like a large star, which gradually increased in size till about three o'clock, when it presented a very magnificent spectacle.

They did not remain long under water, but rising, followed us with outstretched necks, expressing great wonder and curiosity. 7th. Having run up the coast, we anchored near the northern end of the Chonos Archipelago, in Low's Harbour, where we remained a week.

"As this history has been very long, and there is more to write about it, we will not say much of what happened the next seven days; for both houses, that is, Mr. Low's and Mr. Evans's, were all in a bustle, and everybody was pleased at the changes which were coming.

I appointed an engineer from Brooklyn, a veteran of the Civil War, Colonel Partridge, who had served in Mayor Low's administration. He was an excellent man in every way. He chose as his assistant, actively to superintend the work, a Cornell graduate named Elon Hooker, a man with no political backing at all, picked simply because he was the best equipped man for the place.