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But, my chile, I should be afeerd to go thar now, strong and supple a man as I am, much less a poor, weakly lookin' woman like yerself." "No, Uncle Jack, I am not afraid. The soldiers would not molest me, and the shells cannot strike me, so I go undaunted. I am seeking my husband, and must find him. How far is it, Uncle Jack, to the Queen City?" "More'n a hundred mile, chile."

I always took the money out and tied it in a canvas sack and hid it. A body would never think of lookin' where I hid that money." "Where did you hide it?" inquired aunt Corinne. The toll-woman rose up and went to collect from a carriage at the door. The merry face of a girl in the carriage peeped through the house, and some pleasant jokes were exchanged.

Marion's obtuse and unreasonable attitude puzzled me. I am quick tempered, and was about to reply hotly, when the door opened and Elizabeth entered. 'Miss Marryun, she said, nodding mysteriously in the direction of my sister-in-law, 'I bin lookin' at the cards for you an' I see a warnin' in 'em. You'll 'ave to keep an eye on 'im if you want to keep 'im.

"You're lookin' for the minister," I stammered, ducking my head. He stopped and stared down at me, tapping a sole on the cobbles. "What's this? What's this?" "He he says you'd be lookin' for 'im, an' I seen 'im to the Chinaman's an' he's comin' right there, honest he is, Mr. Snow." "Oh! So? I'd be looking for him, would I?" "Y y yessir." I sank down on the grocery steps and studied my toes.

"Here you, Barney," whispered Teddy, who certainly did not wish that Burke should return as he came; "here, you great big fwhool you, give past your yowlin' dere and lookin' at your blood run out dere, come in an' shout the gauger an' de sogers."

'Sides, you've gethered so much mud an' water 'bout you that you ain't so very purty to look at!" "It's your own mud and water. I didn't bring it into this country with me." "Which means that you don't belong in these parts. I reckon lookin' at you that you wuz one o' them rebels that went to Gettysburg and then come back ag'in." "Exactly right, Mr. Farmer. I'm an officer in General Lee's army."

He sat down on the plank, too exhausted to think. Blue-grey dusk was closing down on everything. The Passy bridge stood out, purple against a great crimson afterglow. The Kid sat down beside him, and threw an arm trembling with excitement round his shoulders. "The guard's lookin' the other way. They won't miss us till they get to the truck.... Come on, Skinny," he said in a low, quiet voice.

Weel, weel, if Madam does fancy the lad an' he's no bad lookin', I'll say that she may just hae her ain way, and I'll keep my e'e on baith. He looked grimly at the young man as he came briskly forward with a gay smile. 'Ye're a verra early bird, he said, fondling his frill of white hair, and looking keenly at the tall, slim figure of the Frenchman.

Well, her mother was took bad an' me an' her father done our best, an' her baby came into the world a poor miserable little winjin' thing, an' its mother turnin' over said, 'What's that light, mother, comin' in, is it the Dawn? an' lookin' up I see it was the Dawn; an' she never spoke again, but went off simple an' sudden just then, an' that's how Dawn come to get her name.

So at their request we went a little further south to the White Horse Inn. This inn is a exact reproduction of the famous White Horse Inn in England. Over the main entrance is a statute of a white horse, lookin' considerable like our old mair, only more high-headed. The original inn had a open court, where stage-coaches drove in to unload, and from which Mr.