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Then I brought out the old, wordy, eminently reasonable arguments we all use to stifle the thrust of self-questioning: I told her that it was very likely that the editor of that newspaper had invented, or at least greatly exaggerated those stories, and that she would find on investigation that no such family existed. "I don't see how that lets me out of lookin' for them," said Cousin Tryphena.

But when he reached out his hand, his lips parted some like a child's an' his eyes lookin' up at her, she went an' stood near him, by the table, an' she set her basket there an' leaned down on the handle, like her strength was gone. "'I never knew it was you here, she says. 'Nobody knows, she told him. "'No, he says, 'I've done my best they shouldn't know. Up till I got sick.

"He's the finest brute I ever laid eyes on. Sech power an' sech action. I noticed him at once, when Mason come ridin' up. S'pose we jest take the hoss and send the boy on." "A hoss like that would be knowed," protested the woman. "What if sojers come lookin' fur him!" "We could run him off in the hills an' keep him there a while," said Leffingwell.

He smiled grimly. "Well, I did. Only not just exactly as I allowed to. Lookin' over the back-trail, I reckon, when us four took to the brush there wasn't only one damned skunk in the crowd an' that was me. It's funny a man can be that ornery an' never notice it. But, I bet Bat knew. He's pure gold, Bat is.

"He's got to take it back or I'll kill him." "Only the first round ended, looks like, Bandy," Dud said genially. "You better be lookin' this time when he comes at you, or he'll sure eat you alive." "I'm not lookin' for no fight," Bandy said sulkily, dabbing at his face with the bandanna round his neck.

It ain't comfortable jest at first, but she can have the hired girl wrap it in a piece o flannel, and after a while it feels real comfortin'. But I must be goin'. I see you're a lookin' at my bunnet, Mis' Beaumont. It don't look much like what you got on your head, but I work a lot in the garden, and if I don't have somethin' on my head my hair gets all frouzy.

Wilbur queried interestedly. "Rain?" "Rain would only make it worse. Have you ever noticed, son, that when somethin' pretty bad comes along, there's always somethin' else comes to sort o' take off the smart? Nothin's bad all the time. Well, this time, there came a fly." "A fly?" "Yes, son, a fly, lookin' somethin' like a wasp, only not as long as your thumb-nail.

We could jest ketch a glimpse of a light way off at the end, and we sot off for it, I lookin' clost and sharp on every side for my pardner, hopin' and dreadin' to find him there. When all of a sudden, the most terrific yells and shrieks sounded on every side and we see cages of wild animals on both sides of us movin' up and down howlin' and snarlin'.

When you've been lookin' head to the hundred and oneth so LONG and you get the very next door to it, it scares you a little. I'll wait until oh, until Thomas Jefferson crows, before I sew the hundred and oneth." Thomas Jefferson was prospecting under the currant bushes. Rebecca Mary could see him distinctly, even with her nearsighted little eyes, for Thomas Jefferson was snow-white.

There's somethink mysterious about it, I think, for Missis Hosten she won't speak to Marryhann on the subjec', an' all she knows about it is that the lawyer says there's an estate somewheres in furrin parts as needs lookin' arter. The lawyer didn't say that to Maryhann, sir, of course, but she's got a 'abit of hairin' 'er ears at key'oles an' over'ears things now an' then."