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Lord Londonderry and his wife and daughters, Lord Donegal, the proprietor of the greater part of Ulster, &c. &c., came on board with various deputations, especially of Presbyterians and members of the linen trade. The Queen knighted the mayor, as she had knighted his brother-magistrate at Cork.

Everybody I met afterwards that night and the next day observed to me that they had seen Lord Londonderry talking to me for a great while! We had a crowded party at Lady Londonderry's, but they had no elbows. April 4.

The inhabitants and soldiers in garrison at Londonderry were so incensed at the members of the council of war, who had resolved to abandon the place, that they threatened immediate vengeance. Cunningham and Richards retired to their ships, and Lundy locked himself in his chamber. In vain did Walker and major Baker exhort him to maintain his government.

They have preached a social and a civil war upon all those in Ireland who would not submit their opinions and consciences to the uncontrolled domination of secret societies and leagues. The articles upon the Ulster question by Lord Londonderry and Mr. Sinclair show that the Northern province still maintains her historic opposition to Irish Separatism and Irish intrigue.

It became a common saying in the region round about that "the Derry Presbyterians would never give up a pint of doctrine or a pint of rum." Their second minister was an old scarred fighter, who had signalized himself in the stout defence of Londonderry, when James II. and his Papists were thundering at its gates.

Brother here. Come to infirmary. Clement and Geraldine lost no time in driving to the infirmary, too anxious to speak to one another. Blaine's name was known to them as a Gwenworth lad, who had gone to sea, and risen to be sailing master of the Muriel Ellen, a trader plying between Londonderry and Bristol.

They are workers in the precious metals. Theophilus Londonderry had very different material to mould, an old chapel and some very dull humanity. Humanity is not a precious metal, but if you know how to use it, it is excellent clay, a clay not without streaks of gold.

"Come out into this old cabin and meet our baker," Paddy continued when we went out the rear of the store. "We began to get bread from Londonderry, but the old Lough Swilly road is too uncertain. See the ancient Scotch oven the coals are placed in the oven part and when they are still hot they are scooped out and the bread is put in their place. Interesting, isn't it?

I assure you that I consider your claims on me as not at all diminished." It is true that amidst the general applause the voice of detraction made itself heard. The defenders of Londonderry were men of two nations and of two religions. During the siege, hatred of the Irishry had held together all Saxons; and hatred of Popery had held together all Protestants.

He did not foresee the death of Lord Londonderry, which was to be the epoch of a change in English politics, particularly as regarded foreign affairs; nor that the navy of his country would fight for instead of against the Greeks, and by the battle of Navarino secure their enfranchisement from the Turks.