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Bedford was to be left Regent, the King's brother Bedford, who, whatever else he were, was no Lollard, and was not likely to let a Lollard escape his fangs.

Now do you want another canter? There was a mile of smooth way between them and the grounds of Moscheloo; a level road bordered with Lollard poplars. The grey went well, spite of his age and steadiness, and Vixen behaved her prettiest; but she was not much of a steed after all, and just now was shewing the transforming power of a good rider. And the rider was good company.

"After all, knowledge is knowledge; and there is no more a specifically feminine way of describing correctly the origin of the Lollard movement, or the character of Spenser's poetry, than there is a specifically feminine way of solving a quadratic equation, or of proving the forty-seventh problem of Euclid's first book."

It was a native and missionary of these valleys, Gualtero Lollard, which gave his name, in the fourteenth century, to the Lollards of England, whose doctrines were the day-spring of the Reformation in our own country. The zeal of the Vaudois was seen in the devices they fell upon to distribute the Bible, and along with that a knowledge of the gospel.

Oldcastle was far from having abandoned his projects, discouraged as they had been by his master; while the suspicions of Henry's favour to the Lollard cause which could hardly fail to be roused by his favour to the Lollard leader only spurred the bold spirit of Arundel to energetic action.

But one day, in a quiet talk with Bertram Lyngern, still her chief friend, she asked him whether he had noticed it. "Have I eyes, trow?" responded Bertram with a smile. "But wherefore is it, count you?" "Marry, the old tale, methinks. "You riddle, Master Lyngern." "Why, look you, our Lady Custance was rocked in a Lollard cradle; but my Lady Duchess' Grace had a saint's bone for her rattle.

I mind it the less, as thou wilt shortly go to dwell with one who will see to thee in these matters, and will not let thee read Lollard books." The thread fell from Margery's hand, and so did the distaff, which rolled over the floor with a clatter. She never heeded it. A terrible, indefinite dread had taken hold of her. "Father! what mean you?" she stammered forth at last.

The extent to which the Lollard leaven had permeated all classes of English society was first clearly revealed when Henry VIII. made his domestic affairs the occasion for a revolt against the Papacy. Despot and brute as he was in many ways, Henry had some characteristics which enabled him to get on well with his people.

There is good reason to believe that John, escaped, and that it was he who, in after years, personated King Richard at the Scottish Court. The Lollard friends, Salisbury and Le Despenser, determined to attempt their escape together. For a minute they waited, looking regretfully after Exeter: then Le Despenser said to his squire "Haste, Lyngern! for Cardiff!"

On the 24th of March, 1394, her aunt Constanca, Duchess of Lancaster, died of the plague at Leicester; in the close of May, of the same disease, the beloved Lollard Queen; and on the first of July her cousin, Mary Countess of Derby.