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Is this then the secret of its disappearance? and is it on these far breeding grounds that man has proved too hard? At Lobstick Point, 2 P. M., October 13, the tug turned back and we three continued our journey as before, Preble and Billy taking turns at tracking the canoe. Next day we reached Fort McKay and thus marked another important stage of the journey. FORT McKAY AND JIAROBIA

Oh! what a lot of pother a beneficent little bean can make. "At noon that day Billy announced that it was time to give me a lobstick; a spruce was selected on a slate island and trimmed to its proper style, then inscribed: E. T. SETON E. A. PREBLE W. C. LOUTIT 20 July 1907 "Now I was in honour bound to treat, the crew. I had neither the power nor the wish to give whiskey.

"The hour has come " he murmured. "Yes, the hour has come, M'sieur!" cried Jean. "The swiftest teams and the swiftest runners in this part of the Northland are on the trail, and by morning the forest people will be roused from here to the Waterfound, from the Cree camp on Lobstick to the Gray Loon waterway! Drink this, M'sieur. There is no time to lose.

We stood aside; he saw his chance and dashed for the tall timber. As he went I fired the last film, getting No. 6; and so far as I know that Lynx is alive and well and going yet. Carved on the lobstick of the Landing were many names famous in the annals of this region, Pike, Maltern, McKinley, Munn, Tyrrel among them.

Here, at the foot of Artillery Lake, we were near the last of the timber, and, strange to say, we found some trees of remarkably large growth. One, a tamarac, was the largest and last seen; the other, a spruce Pike's Lobstick was 55 inches in girth, 1 foot from the ground. At this camp Weeso complained that he was feeling very sick; had pains in his back.

In the first autumn of the woman's life at Lac Bain, he and Per-ee had climbed the old spruce, lopping off its branches until only the black cap remained; and after that it was known far and wide as the "lobstick" of Cummins' wife. It was a voiceless cenotaph which signified that all the honor and love known to the wilderness people had been given to her.

At three in the afternoon of July 27th, the twelfth day after we had set out on the "three or four day run" from Resolution, this exasperating and seemingly interminable voyage really did end, and we thankfully beached our York boat at the famous lobstick that marks the landing of Pike's Portage. One of the few rewarding episodes of this voyage took place on the last morning, July 27.

"It is, of course, just possible that the man with whom your half-breed saw her was making north to the post at Lobstick Creek, and it will be as well to make an early inquiry there." "Yes, Sir James, I have thought of that." "By the way, did you get any description of the man whom my niece was with?" "Yes. You remember that man who was at Fort Malsun, and who departed quietly one night?"

And from the Gray Beaver they would have smooth ice for twenty miles, to the new road. He had not planned to begin fishing operations until spring, but he could see no reason now why they should not commence that winter, setting their nets through the ice. At Lobstick Creek, where the new road would reach them sometime in April or May, they could freeze their fish and keep them in storage.