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Wounding the earth to sow in it and make it feed you. Ploughing, Charlotte Jeanne. Feeling the thrust and the drive through, and the thing listing over on the slope. Seeing the steel blade shine, and the long wounds coming in rows, hundreds of wounds, wet and shining." "What makes you think of wounds?" "I don't know. I see it like that. Cutting through." "I don't see it like that one bit.

Since armed force has been the chief instrument for bringing these elements together, the agency responsible for exercising armed force enjoys priority in a listing of the structural institutions of civilization. Land owners, often acting as military chieftains, dominated the hinterland of a civilization. The city was dominated by businessmen.

"I I'll get there " But that was all he did say, for unconsciousness was coming fast. At the same time he sensed somehow that the Fokker already well peppered by his own crowd on that same day was listing, sagging, so that at last he could hardly keep his seat. "I I'm goin' goin'," he kept reiterating in his mind.

"Yes," she said. "But the buses are good. You can get out, go around the island." "I will. I'm going to try and look up family I've never met." "Where do they live?" Oliver had found a listing for Kenso Nakano in a phone book at the airport. "Alewa Heights," he said. She laughed. "Ah LEV Ah . . . That's the real Hawaii." "Look at that!"

Other lines were shot out after the first one and other rescue apparatus set up. From the position of her lights it could be seen that the Huronic was listing farther to the leeward all the time. The life savers worked untiringly and the throng of rescued grew apace.

The Regulatory Council was established to provide the first Government-wide listing of upcoming rules and eliminate overlapping and conflicting regulations. Agencies have launched "sunset" programs to weed out outmoded old regulations. We have acted to encourage public participation in regulatory decision-making.

The meal over, Rand had gone up to the gunroom, Gladys drifted into the small drawing-room off the dining-room, and the others had gone to their rooms to dress. Rand was taking down the junk with which Walters had infiltrated the collection and was listing and hanging up the recovered items when Fred Dunmore, wearing a dressing-gown, strolled in.

"I know full well what happened! The Nautilus has gone aground, and judging from the way it's listing, I don't think it'll pull through like that first time in the Torres Strait." "But," I asked, "are we at least back on the surface of the sea?" "We have no idea," Conseil replied. "It's easy to find out," I answered. I consulted the pressure gauge.

Hence, the custom grew up of listing nominations, not according to popularity, but first according to seniority in office, and then according to the number of votes received. These lists were published in the papers throughout the state. The candidates for election were presented at the April town meetings, where each name was read in order and voted upon.

Meanwhile, ever since the firing of the shot, the helmsman of the destroyer had been quietly edging away from us; and presently, at a sign, apparently, from the junior officer, he put his helm hard over to port, and the venomous-looking craft swung sharply upon her heel, listing heavily as she did so, and a few seconds later was speeding away in the opposite direction to ourselves.