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He found a genial, curly-haired old gentleman sitting in a room about whose walls were thousands of books. He was reading Epictetus. Stanley found the new mayor likeable and friendly. He seemed a man of simple thought. Frank wondered how he would endure the roiling passions of this city's politics. Dr. Taylor seemed undaunted by the prospect, though.

"We'll sure hump you if you-all come in," Daylight warned him. "It's an almighty good hunch," Kearns said, adding his slip for two thousand to the growing heap. "I can feel her crawlin' up and down my back." "I ain't got a hunch, but I got a tolerable likeable hand," Campbell announced, as he slid in his slip; "but it's not a raising hand." "Mine is," Daylight paused and wrote.

And these bouts concerning the girl's marriage to Timothy occurred so often without any advantage to either side. "Because I shan't." "That's no reason. You must have some sort of a reason. You can have no really valid objection to Timothy, Arethusa. He is quite handsome, and very likeable. I am devoted to him, myself."

The members of the club were wholly familiar with the history of Laura Atkins's freshman year and admired her for the matter-of-fact way in which she was wont to discuss her early short-comings. Under the sunny influence of the four girls who had helped her to find herself, she had developed into a gracious and likeable young woman.

He spends a great deal of time here, and has been inquiring the best route to Possum Gully. Do you remember him? I don't think he was here in your day. He is an estimable and likeable young fellow, and I think will make a good husband apart from his wealth. He and Gertie present a marked contrast. Sometimes on reading this kind of thing I would wax rather bitter.

Sir Henry bestowed another searching glance on the speaker. He noted, for the first time, the keen alertness and intellectuality of the other's face. It was a fine strong face, with a pair of luminous grey eyes, a likeable long nose, and clean-shaven, humorous mouth a man to trust and depend upon.

Fascinating Facts took his hand out of his pocket, regretfully. "Wouldn't it sour a fellow on marriage! Wouldn't it! First those two in there, with their damned linen closets, and their rugs I beg your pardon, Miss Brandeis! And now your missus objects to my pipe. You wouldn't treat me like that, would you, Miss Brandeis?" There was about him something that appealed something boyish and likeable.

He was no doubt a rackety, irresponsible young fellow according to old standards, yet somehow likeable, with his extraordinarily cheerful way of blurting out his opinions. "Come in," he said; "have you had tea?" Mont came in. "I thought Fleur would have been back, sir; but I'm glad she isn't. The fact is, I I'm fearfully gone on her; so fearfully gone that I thought you'd better know.

CONFUCIUS. Surely. Nobody likes me: I am held in awe. Capable persons are never liked. I am not likeable; but I am indispensable. BURGE-LUBIN. Oh, cheer up, old man: theres nothing so disagreeable about you as all that. I don't dislike you; and if you think I'm afraid of you, you jolly well don't know Burge-Lubin: thats all. CONFUCIUS. You are brave: yes. It is a form of stupidity.

Evasion was no longer possible. Anyway, it might be best to try to explain just how it was to set poor Arthur right. So she replied: "Yes, it was Arthur but it wasn't his fault, exactly." "Not HIS fault? Whose in thunder was it?" Missy hesitated. She didn't like talking scandal of anyone directly and, besides, there were likeable traits in Genevieve despite her obvious failings.