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Betty opened coolly surprised eyes. "I did not understand it was a personal matter," she remarked. "Where do the domestic difficulties come in?" He stared at her a few seconds with the look she did not like, which was less likeable at the moment, because it combined itself with other things. "Hang it," he muttered.

Consequently the clerks had to write up the record in quite a different fashion. They discovered that their bluff, hard-bitten, rather likeable employers, scarcely one of whom could read or write, had really invaded Anywhere as the trustees of civilisation.

A roar of laughter at the picture vindicated Lescott's assumption. "No! Now, actually with saddlebags?" echoed a young fellow with a likeable face which was for the moment incredulously amused. "That goes Dick Whittington one better. You do make some rare discoveries, George. We celebrate you." "Thanks, Horton," commented the painter, dryly.

Or, what is more likeable than one's good, old, affectionate dog bounding down the path from sheer delight at seeing you, or more execrable than an infernal whelp that has torn up the geraniums and is too old to keep, anyway? As for politics, well, it all seemed reasonable enough.

In his capacity of Head of the Telecommunications Section at the Ministry he worked hard to get official recognition of amateur radio. A handful of us who were active 'under cover' so to speak, frequently visited him in his office. He was a very likeable person and had a talent for anecdotes.

"She will settle down," said Miss Dawson in her slow, sensible way. "She's really a very likeable girl; and if she puts all the energy she uses to play games into church-work she will be a great success. And it will be an interest having a young wife at the manse." "I don't know," said Miss Watson doubtfully.

The South Wind carried a message to her for me. I am going to marry her, but you could make it much easier for me if you would." "I! What could I do?" cried the Girl. "You could cease being afraid of me. You could learn to trust me. You could try to like me, if you see anything likeable about me.

Freddy Tunbridge was a very popular person. It was agreed that nobody willingly missed one of her parties. There were those who said this was not so much because of her and Mr. Freddy, though they were eminently likeable people; not merely because you met 'everybody' there, and not even because of the excellence of their dinners.

One's foolish to mind, and, indeed, it's not for myself that I care but it's mother." "What have they done?" "They don't like us none of them do. I don't know why they should; we aren't, perhaps, very likeable. But it is cruel of them to show it. Mother, you see, likes meeting people we had it in London, friends I mean, lots of them, and then when we came here we had none.

All you have to do is not to be discouraged. Come every Sunday, ask her to dance, give her to understand that you're on the list, and if she finds you more likeable and better informed than the others, I don't doubt that she'll tell you so some fine day." "Excuse me, Père Léonard, your daughter is entitled to act as she pleases, and I have no right to blame her.