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But other pilots deserve to be mentioned, pilots such as Stribick and Houtt, Captain Vuillemin, Lieutenant de Laage, Sergeants de Ridder, Viallet and Buisse, and such observers as Lieutenant Liebmann, who was killed, and Mutel, Naudeau, Campion, Moulines, Dumas, Robbe, Travers, sous-lieutenant Boillot, Captain Verdurand admirable squadron chief and Major Roisin, expert in bombardments.

It is here, in the "little nest" of Goethe and Schiller, that Eucken has remained in spite of "calls" to universities situated in larger towns and carrying with them larger salaries. It is fortunate for Jena that Eucken has thus decided. He, along with his late colleague Otto Liebmann, has kept up the philosophical tradition of Jena.

Liebmann, Analysis der Wirklichkeit, 2d ed., pp. 53-59. Besides the theory of knowledge, in the elaboration of which the most eminent naturalists participate with acuteness and success, psychology and the practical disciplines also betray the influence of the scientific spirit.

Helene Liebmann, about fifteen years later, produced several quartettes of the same sort, as well as two piano trios and a number of violin sonatas, piano pieces, and songs. Clementine Batta has published a Melodie Religieuse for voice, piano, 'cello, and organ. Louise Kern has shown a fondness for combining violin, organ, and piano.

For example resting on the fact that Quercus hex, Q. coccifera, Q. acutifolia, etc., have the leaves sometimes entire and sometimes toothed upon the same branch, or present transitions from one tree to another, I might readily have united my Q. Tlapuxahuensis to Q. Sartorii of Liebmann, since these two differ only in their entire or their toothed leaves.

The writings of Liebmann, Cohen, Stadler, Riehl, Volkelt, and others will be mentioned later, in connection with the neo-Kantian movement; here we may give some of the more important monographs and essays, selected from the enormously developed Kantian literature: Ad.

His true name was Meyer Liebmann Beer, but he suppressed the Liebmann, because that word in German, when joined with Beer, could by weak punsters be translated into "a philanthropic bear"; so he Italianized his pre-nomen, dropped his middle name, and joined the two other words in one, the result of all these liberties in nomenclature being "Giacomo Meyerbeer."