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The dresses of court and all were a mixture of splendor and tawdriness that exhausted the savings and pilferings of a twelvemonth. Good-natured "missies" often helped make these outfits. They were of velvet, silk, satin, cotton lace, false flowers, the brilliant seeds of the licorice and coquelicot, tinsel, beads, and pinch-beck. Sometimes mistresses even lent firmly sewed fast their own jewelry.

In the Tobacco case, the court found that the individual defendants, twenty-nine in number, had been engaged in a successful effort to acquire complete dominion over the manufacture, sale, and distribution of tobacco in this country and abroad, and that this had been done by combinations made with a purpose and effect to stifle competition, control prices, and establish a monopoly, not only in the manufacture of tobacco, but also of tin-foil and licorice used in its manufacture and of its products of cigars, cigarettes, and snuffs.

The licorice-stick was so shiny and black, and he had laid his tongue on it one sweet instant, so he knew just how good it tasted. If he only knew for very certain of course there was a chance that She did not love licorice sticks. It would be a regular pity to waste it. Still, how could anybody not love 'em

Belasez thought, with momentary amusement, that Bruno was not so well acquainted with Licorice as herself. "I asked in great distress if Anegay were not with her.

First walked a gingerbread man neatly formed and baked to a lovely brown tint. He wore a silk hat and carried a candy cane prettily striped with red and yellow. His shirt-front and cuffs were white frosting, and the buttons on his coat were licorice drops.

It was all inspiration born of a frankfurter. It was not for poor Pepsy to take issue with this master mind. Yet she did venture to say, "Not very many autos come down here, only a few that go through to Berryville. Licorice Stick " "That's a dandy name," Pee-wee said. "He goes by a dozen times a day, but he hasn't got any money, and Mr.

"Fixing smarties is different," said Pepsy. "If people have something the matter with their hips you can't fix them. Because, anyway, if they're going to die on a Friday even snail water won't fix them." "Snail water, what's that?" "It's medicine made from snails; Licorice Stick knows how to make it. You have to stir it with a willow stick and then you get well quick."

It seemed to her that hardly a minute passed before she woke again, to hear her mother moving in the next room, and to see full daylight streaming in at the window. And suddenly, just as she awoke, it rushed upon her when and how she had heard of Anegay. She saw herself, a little child, standing by the side of Licorice.

"She wants to know the truth, wife. She asked me if she might not." "Thou let it alone. I'll cook up a nice little story, that will set her mind at rest." "O Licorice! more deception yet?" "Deception! Why, wouldst thou tell her the truth? Just go to her now, and wake her, and let her know that she is "

The Salvation Army must pick up its stuff where it can get it. Yesterday there had been sardines and shaving soap and tin watches. To-day there were only figs and licorice drops and nuts. "But if the Brigadier gets in," said the Salvation Army man, "there will be something sweet to eat.