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He was still reciting when the judge released his hand and got up to make an elaborate bow. Mr. Plateas looked in the same direction, and saw the back of an elderly gentleman between two attractive young girls. He had no difficulty in recognizing the trio, even from the rear. Mr. Liakos sat down again, blushing furiously while the professor in utter stupefaction made the sign of the cross.

When he was alone, his anger soon cooled; but he found himself repeating those cruel words, and as he said them over, he began to fear that Florou was not so far wrong. He recalled his friend's first disavowal of any thought of him as a suitor, and the father's strange hesitation. And then, why didn't Liakos come; what was keeping him so long?

If this worry had lasted much longer, it would have effected what all his exercise and sea-bathing had failed to accomplish; the poor man would certainly have been reduced to a shadow. And still Liakos did not come! For a moment the professor thought of going to look for his friend; bat where should he go?

The old father trembled with joy. When the two brothers-in-law were alone, each saw his own happiness reflected in the other's face. "Well, did I exaggerate when I sang your wife's praises?" asked Mr. Liakos. "She's a treasure, my dear friend!" cried Mr. Plateas, "a perfect treasure! In a few months," he went on, "I shall have a new favor to ask of you.

The judge had promised to come, and Florou had been told to get supper for both; Liakos MUST come. But why didn't he come now? Mr. Plateas paced up and down the Vaporia twenty times at least, and although he kept looking toward his house, there was no sign of the judge. At last! At last he saw his friend coming in the distance.

This was clear enough from what he said and the way he said it. Mr. Liakos was offended. "Mr. Plateas," he replied dryly, "I have often told you and I repeat it now for the last time, I hope I have not, and I do not wish to have, any claim upon your gratitude. As for your marrying, I assure you that I never dreamed of presenting you as a suitor, or of seeking a wife for you.

Liakos suggested the topics, while the professor held forth to his heart's content, and fairly revelled in Homeric quotation. He noticed, however, that his companion, instead of heeding what he said, kept looking toward the highway, and leaning forward to see still further around the bend in the road. Following his friend's gaze, Mr.

I begged her not to say that, else I could not help thinking that she accepted me only out of love for her sister. "'And why not? she said gently. 'What sweeter source could the happiness of our future have?" Mr. Liakos was touched. "But really," his friend went on, "I can't begin to tell you everything now. One thing is certain, I've found a perfect treasure!" "Did I not tell you so?"

But all these ideas were so hazy that he could hardly have expressed them. After a few moments' silence, and while the judge's passionate avowal still lingered in his ears, he asked naively, and without stopping to think: "Which one?" Mr. Liakos looked at the professor in astonishment, and although he did not speak, the expression of his face said plainly, "Can you ask?" Mr.

It was a huge square building, with a room on the street partitioned off at one corner. This room was the office, and had a grated window; but the light from it and from the street door was too dim for Mr. Liakos to see what was going on inside the warehouse. As he stood there on the threshold, he saw that his arrival was ill-timed; for there was a dispute in progress.