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Leverton, Lincolnshire, Acc'ts, Archæologia, xli, 333 ff. In the Chelmsford Acc'ts, Essex Arch. Soc., ii, 225-6 , is a most interesting inventory showing an elaborate stage outfit. Examples are Thos. North, St. St. St. Edmund and St. Thomas, Sarum, Acc'ts, introd., p. xvii. At St. T.N. & A.S. Garry, St. Examples: Wandsworth Acc'ts in Surrey Arch. Wilts Arch. Chagford Acc'ts in Devon Ass.

Homespun virtues: unselfishness, indifference to money values, the constant sense of filial, fraternal, social responsibility . . . the glow in Jack's eyes when they rested on his wife: Verney's war on cesspools: Leverton Morley as scoutmaster: the Chinese lecture: rosebushes in the churchyard, by the great stone cross with its list of names beginning "George Potts, Wiltshire Rifles, aged 49," and ending "Robert Denis Bendish, Grenadier Guards, aged 19: Into Thy Hands, O Lord": old, old feudal England, closeknit, no pastoral of easy virtues, yet holding together in a fellowship which underlies class disunion: whose sons, from days long before the Conquest, have always desired to go to sea when the cuckoo sang, and to come home again when they were tired of the hail and salt showers, because they could not bear to be landless and lordless men. . . .

Pray, may I take the liberty of introducing his agent to you?" Mr. Leverton was delighted. "I also wanted to see you about some other little business. Let me see, what was it? Never mind, I will take my wine here, if you can make room for me; I shall remember it, I dare say, soon. Oh! by-the-bye: ah! that was it. Stapylton Toad; Mr. Stapylton Toad; I want to know all about Mr. Stapylton Toad.

I dare say you can tell me. A friend of mine intends to consult him on some parliamentary business, and he wishes to know something about him before he calls." We will condense, for the benefit of the reader, the information of Mr. Leverton.

He struck his stick sharply upon the ground, on which a cabman, his whip in his hand, sauntered over from a four-wheeler which stood on the far side of the street. "May I introduce you to Mr. Sherlock Holmes?" he said to the cabman. "This is Mr. Leverton, of Pinkerton's American Agency." "The hero of the Long Island cave mystery?" said Holmes. "Sir, I am pleased to meet you."

The dismayed young gentleman of the Foreign Office was about to mince a repartee, when Vivian left his seat, for he had a great deal of business to transact. "Mr. Leverton," said he, accosting a flourishing grazier, "I have received a letter from my friend, M. De Noe. He is desirous of purchasing some Leicestershires for his estate in Burgundy.

Sir Plantagenet, yours most sincerely! we shall have no difficulty about that right of common. Mr. Leverton, I hope you find the new plough work well; your son, sir, will do the county honour. Sir Godfrey, I saw Barton upon that point, as I promised. Lady Julia, I am rejoiced to see ye at Chateau Desir, more blooming than ever! Good Mr.

The sing-song voice rose again in the ceremony of blessing, but suddenly it quavered and broke, the man rose, dropping the prayer-book to the floor, and ran quickly out of the room and into the dust of the street, and on, on into the plains. "In the name of God, who is he?" said Dicky Merritt to Victoria Lindley. "He was the Reverend Jones Leverton, of Harfordon-Thames," was her reply.

The sing-song voice rose again in the ceremony of blessing, but suddenly it quavered and broke, the man rose, dropping the prayer-book to the floor, and ran quickly out of the room and into the dust of the street, and on, on into the plains. "In the name of God, who is he?" said Dicky Merritt to Victoria Lindley. "He was the Reverend Jones Leverton, of Harfordon-Thames," was her reply.

Leverton, Lincoln, Acc'ts, s.a. 1579, Archaeologia, xli, 365. Under 1595 the Leverton wardens have the entries: "pd. to the apparitor for fallts in the churche ijs. viijd.," and: "for playing in the churche iijs. viijd." The last is explained by a third entry: "to the apparator for suffering a plaie in the church." Abbey Parish Acc'ts, s.a. 1600, Shrop. Arch.