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Among the poor, the constant war with fate, the harassing conditions of daily life, and the apparent hopelessness of trying to improve their condition, do undoubtedly tend to make them 'drown their sorrows' and rush for relief to the fiery waters of that Lethe which the publican dispenses at so much a glass.

It's the high seas or else being tied up to Lethe wharf. And I'm for the high seas, my dear! "Think of sitting here here, in this room, in this chair and listening to that, and seeing the tight on her hair, and hearing the sound of her voice! I don't suppose there ever was a scene just like it....

Life suggests to the mind of a contemplative observer many possible events which remain unrealized because only one or two of the necessary three elements are present, events that are waiting, like unborn children on the other side of Lethe, until the necessary conditions shall call them into being.

What can have brought thee here From Epidaurus? Tell me all thy tale! Thou art my mother as of old? JUNO. Thy mother! Time was thou call'dst me so. SEMELE. Thou art so still, And wilt remain so, till I drink full deep Of Lethe's maddening draught. JUNO. Soon Beroe Will drink oblivion from the waves of Lethe; But Cadmus' daughter ne'er will taste that draught. SEMELE. How, my good nurse?

"So, Colonel, if you'll promise not to bet, I've no objection to your attending the races in moderation." In delighted amazement the Colonel forgot that that last julep could be brought to a quick end by hurried management and took a hasty and a mammoth swallow. "What!" he cried. "Can I believe it? Miss 'Lethe, you're an angel! It's the last drop in my cup of happiness!"

She had been forbidden to ride the pinto ever since the day it was brought home to her with irrefutable emphasis that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. It was more of a parabola she described, when, bucked off, her head smashed the ground, but the simile serves. But she would ride Lethe to-night. The other horses were too comfortable.

"If it doesn't and that assessment to be met ah, well! What's the use of worrying? It doesn't help the matter any." He walked slowly to the window and looked out. "Here come Madge and Aunt 'Lethe," he announced, "through with their shopping at last. How different Madge looks from the little mountain-girl I first knew!" He turned and faced the Colonel. "Ah, if the world knew her as I do "

When, by long degrees, the shock of outer life jarred and woke him, it was feebly done: he came back reluctant, weak: the quiet clinging to him, as if he had been drowned in Lethe, and had brought its calming mist with him, out of the shades.

They served to irritate the bandit passions, not to subdue them. She panted for some one, something, to break to her will. Lethe felt that there was a passion that night riding her; a passion that far surpassed her own. Womanlike, she decided to arbitrate. She would wait until this all-powerful passion burned itself out; then she could afford to safely agitate her own.

For all the memories of Manuel's life had been washed away from him, so that these memories were left adrift and submerged in the shadowy waters of Lethe. Drowned there was the wise countenance of Helmas, and the face of St.