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Leonti looked now at the books, now at Raisky, then made a gesture of refusal, and sighed. "Do not laugh at me, Boris! Don't tempt me." "I am not joking." Here Juliana Andreevna, who had heard the last words, chimed in with, "Take what is given you." "She is always like that," sighed Leonti. "On feast days the tradesmen come with presents, and on the eve of the examinations the parents.

"I have no wine, because we drank it all at dinner, when Monsieur Charles was our guest." "Where do you keep your clothes?" "My wife is asleep and I don't know; you must ask Avdotya." "Fool! I will find them myself!" He took a light, and went into the next room. "You see what he is like," sighed Leonti, addressing Raisky.

Raisky, who did not wish to deprive his friend of the last straw, nor to stir useless hope in him, hesitated, before he answered after a pause: "I don't know what to say to you exactly, Leonti. I know so little of your wife that I cannot judge her character." "You know her," said Leonti in a dull voice.

"Don't take it on yourself to ask him for gifts," commanded Leonti. "And what can we give him? Shall I hand you over to him, for instance?" he added as he embraced her. "Splendid! Take me, Boris Pavlovich," she cried, throwing a sparkling glance at him. "If you don't take the books, Leonti," said Raisky, "I will make them over to the Gymnasium.

Another member was added to the family circle at Malinovka, for Raisky brought Koslov to dinner one day, to receive the heartiest of welcomes. Tatiana Markovna had the tact not to let the poor forsaken man see that she was aware of his trouble. She greeted him with a jest. "Why have you not been near us for so long, Leonti Ivanovich?

Raisky offered his cigar case, and reminded Leonti that he had not introduced them. "What need is there of introduction! You came in by the same way, and both know who the other is." "Words of wisdom from the scholar!" ejaculated Mark. "That same Mark of whom I wrote to you, don't you remember!" said Leonti. "Wait, I will introduce myself," cried Mark, springing from the easy chair.

She came hastily, and kissed Raisky. "What a man you have grown, and how much more handsome you are!" she said, her eyes flashing. Her eyes, her mien, her whole figure betrayed audacity. Just over thirty years old, she gave the impression of a splendidly developed specimen of blooming womanhood. "Have you forgotten me?" she asked. "How should he forget you?" broke in Leonti. "But Ulinka is right.

I have prepared several boys for the University," remarked Leonti with hesitation, for he was not sure whether this was meritorious or not. "You imagine that I go into my class, then home, and forget about everything. That is not the case.

"Leonti, I come to you with a request from Tatiana Markovna, who asks you," he went on, though Leonti walked ceaselessly up and down, dragging his slippers and appeared not to listen, "to come over to us. Here you will die of misery." "Thank you," said Leonti, shaking his head. "She is a saint. But how can a desolate man carry his sorrow into a strange house?"

"What sort of person is this Markushka. Leonti Koslov writes about him. How is Leonti, Granny? I must look him up." "How should he be? He crouches in one spot with a book, and his wife in another. But he does not even see what goes on under his nose, and can any good come from his friendship with this Markushka.