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For a moment it crossed my mind that she had lost her modicum of wits, but as she was immediately joined by Tryphena, I gave up the theory as untenable, and continued to hasten up the hill to the Home. Our boiler had sprung, not one but many leaks, and the precious hot water destined for the cleansing of forty was flooding the already spotless kitchen floor.

I'll mention casually that it's a big game of poker, and I'll have cards and drinks sent up. You want to remember we can't be too careful. If it leaks out we lose." "I'm a clam, Sam. Do you want I should speak of it to Landor and James?" "Better wait till we get together." "What about Ward? He's always been with us." "He talks too much. We can take him in at the last minute if we like."

"Where can we put them, then?" said Demi, crossing his legs and leaning down to argue the question. "In the old carriage-house." "But it leaks, and there isn't any window, nor any place to put things, and it's all dust and cobwebs," began Nat. "Wait till Gibbs and I have touched it up a bit, and then see how you like it.

That is not locked, and I can bring it here in twenty minutes." "No," said Margery; "I don't want that boat. I've seen it. It is a clumsy old thing, and, besides, it leaks. I want this one. This is just the kind of boat I want to row. It is too bad!

"The boatmen say the rats drag out the rags with which the vessels are caulked from within, thus occasioning sudden and dangerous leaks; but in such a case, why does not the captain run his vessel ashore to prevent sinking? "Before starting, I despatched a letter by a vessel to Suleiman Effendi at the sudd, with orders to commence clearing the channel without loss of time.

"Are you telling me Crane's ego is still smarting?" "Senator Crane did, in the spirit of co-operation, mention certain leaks in your department." "What in hell are you talking about?" "I'd watch my tone if I were you, Taber. You aren't talking to one of your legmen now!" Taber's teeth came tight together. "I'm sorry. Let me repeat the question.

At this time we saw the Duchess steer ahead to windward, clear of the enemy, as I supposed to stop her leaks or repair her rigging. Meanwhile the Marquis kept the enemy in play, till the Duchess again bore down, when each fired a broadside or two, and left off because it grew dark.

Well, back I goes to my room agin' to the rooks, chimbly swallers, and all, leavin' a great endurin' streak of wet arter me all the way, like a cracked pitcher that leaks; onriggs, and puts on dry clothes from head to foot.

She leaks, but not more than she did in the autumn. We rowed to the foot of the hill which borders the North Branch, and there landed, and climbed the moist and snowy hillside for the sake of the prospect.

I shall bring some things down from my room, some of my favorite books for the book-shelves, and things like that." "Do you suppose it will rain in, ever?" asked the practical Stella. "No, of course not," said Molly, who was still examining the carpenter work. "See, these windows slide shut sideways, and then if you shut the door tight the rain couldn't get in, unless the roof leaks."