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I think many young persons go astray because their parents have failed to strengthen their characters and to forewarn and forearm them against the temptations and dangers that surround their paths. How goes the battle?" said Mrs. Lasette, turning to Mr. Thomas. "I am still at sea, and the tide has not yet turned in my favor.

Larkins was this, that in passing through life one scattered sunshine and the other cast shadows over her path. Mrs. Lasette was a fine conversationalist.

I felt that his very touch was pollution; I immediately left the play, tore off my glove, and threw it in the fire." "Oh, mother, how could you have done so? You are so good and gentle." Mrs. Lasette replied, "I was not always so.

"But don't you think she is smarter than you are and gets her lessons better." "Now you are shouting." "Why, Annette, where in the world did you get that slang?" "Why, Mrs. Lasette, I hear the boys saying it in the street, and the girls in Tennis Court all say it, too. Is there any harm in it?" "It is slang, my child, and a young lady should never use slang.

Lasette had taken such great interest in Annette's welfare, and his curiosity was excited to see how she would acquit herself and compare with the other graduates. He did not have much faith in graduating essays.

We were girls together and I loved her dearly," Mrs. Lasette replied as tears gathered in her eyes when she recalled one of the saddest memories of her life. "Do tell me all about it, for I am full of curiosity." "My child, I want this story to be more than food for your curiosity; I want it to be a lesson and a warning to you.

Public opinion which moves slowly, had advanced far enough to admit the colored children into the different schools, irrespective of color, but it was not prepared, except in a few places to admit the colored teachers as instructors in the schools. "What are you going to do next?" inquired Mrs. Lasette of Mr. Thomas as he seated himself somewhat wearily by the fire.

"And I think mother that you got it when you married father." And she taught me how to be worthy of a true man's love." "And I think you have succeeded splendidly." "Thank you, my darling. But mother has become used to compliments." "I do not think she gets any more than she deserves," said Mr. Lasette, entering the room.

Lasette, who made it a point to hold in that neighborhood, mothers' meetings and try to teach mothers, who in the dark days of slavery had no bolts nor bars strong enough to keep out the invader from scattering their children like leaves in wintry weather, how to build up light and happy homes under the new dispensation of freedom.

I always feel for young girls who are lonely and neglected in large cities and are in danger of being ensnared by pretended sympathies and false friendship, and, to-day, no girl is more welcome at any social gathering than Annette." "Mrs. Lasette," said Mrs. Hanson, "you are rich and you can do as you choose in A.P. You can set the fashion."