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Flockley and Koswell glared darkly, while as they passed, Larkspur put out his foot to trip Sam up. But Sam was on guard, and instead of stumbling he stepped on the fellow's ankle, something that caused Larkspur to utter a gasp of pain. "What did you do that for?" he demanded savagely.

All old-timers are represented there, honeysuckle, wormwood, petunias, rosemary, gilias, mignonette, heliotrope and foxgloves. If they can not all be there together, all are there at some time in the summer. Montbretia, Japanese sunflower, larkspur, columbine and gourds all have their time and place and opportunity in this San Francisco garden.

I must turn my back upon the neatest business that ever a Bow Street officer handled, just as it's getting most interesting to a well-regulated mind." "And you'll come with me at once?" "Give me one hour to make my plans, ma'am, and I'm your man," replied Mr. Larkspur.

Somehow he hated uttering Nancy's name to this tiresome unknown. And then began an absurd interchange of words at cross purposes. "Mr. Larkspur?" "No," said Gerald. "Mrs. Dampier." "Yes," said the clerk. "Yes, I quite understand. L. for London " Gerald lost his temper "D. for damn!" he shouted, "Dampier."

It never strongly affects the heaths; never once the roses; but it enters like an evil spirit into the buttercup, and turns it into a larkspur, with a black, spotted, grotesque centre, and a strange, broken blue, gorgeous and intense, yet impure, glittering on the surface as if it were strewn with broken glass, and stained or darkening irregularly into red.

"Now, Brooks," she would say, "you've just got to suggest something to put in that border to replace the hyacinths." "I had larkspur last year you remember and it looked like a chromo in a railroad folder." "Let me see did I advise larkspur?" he would ask. "Oh, I'm sure you must have I always do what you tell me. It seems to me I've thought of every possible flower in the catalogue.

Larkspur, after a long and agitating explanation had put Lady Eversleigh in possession of all the foregoing circumstances. "And here's Captain Jernam's brother comes and takes the job of finding little missy out of my hands does my work for me as clean as a whistle." "But I did not know I was doing it, Mr. Larkspur," said George.

Linda told about her fall, and the two men who had passed at that instant, and how she had met them later, and who they were, and what they were doing. Then Donald climbed high for a bunch of larkspur, and Linda showed him how to turn his back to the canyon wall and come down with the least possible damage to his person and clothing. When at last both of them were tired they went back to the car.

But I knew that I should not wish it; that I should be glad to walk along the shaded streets with my friends and neighbors, to pass the gardens that were yellow with sunlight, and gay with larkspur and foxglove and hollyhocks, and to sit in the pew which was mine by inheritance. Anthony was down-stairs. He was a tall, perfectly turned out youth, and he greeted me in his perfect manner.

Surely, I thought, there never was such another garden never another with such a rosy red brick wall, half-hidden by hollyhocks and larkspur such springy, tender grass such a great guardian Cathedral, that towered above and threw its deep beneficent shade!