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State Councillor Langermann, whose good will and energy are so beautifully balanced, has now delighted me for two weeks with his instructive conversation, and both by word and by example revived my courage for many things which I had been on the point of abandoning.

In the first place, then, my sojourn at home has this time been quite successful; yet we must not boast of it, only quietly and modestly continue our activities. Langermann has probably communicated to you what I sent him.

"It is a marvellous reality. Yourself confessed it, professor." "A careless word, prematurely uttered, is not to be accepted as evidence," growled Barth. "Such astounding things demand time for consideration. They may be optical delusions," added Ingenhaus. "Ah, gentlemen, the fact is a stubborn one," laughed Count Langermann.

J.G. Auret, A. Bailey, and M. Langermann were chosen as the Committee's deputation to proceed to Pretoria and meet the Commission appointed by the Government. They left at an early hour on Wednesday morning, and were given practically a free hand to act on behalf of the Reform Committee.

"Therese von Paradies has recovered her sight without couching-knife or lancet, and I shall certainly convey the news of the miracle to the empress." "What shall we do?" asked the astronomer of his compeers, as Count Langermann bowed and left them. Professor Barth answered nothing.

"Nor I," added Doctor Ingenhaus, as he prepared to accompany the professor. "My head is in a whirl with the antics of this devilish doctor." "Take me with you," said Father Hell. "I must go and look after my planets. I'm afraid we shall miss another Pleiad." So saying, the representatives of science took their leave. At the door they met Count von Langermann, the messenger of the empress.

Brown C.L. Andersson M. Langermann W. Hosken W. St. John Carr H.F. Strange C. Garland Fred Gray A. Mackie Niven Dr. W.T.F. Davies Dr. R.P. Mitchell Dr. Hans Sauer Dr. A.P. Hillier Dr. D.P. Duirs Dr.

Especially Arnold, Crichton, and Perfect became influential; and soon Pinel and Esquirol followed in France; and Reil and Langermann in Germany. Reil recognized clearly at the threshold of the nineteenth century that "Both psychical and physical diseases may be cured by psychical means, but at the same time psychical diseases may also be cured by physical means."