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This place suits them for their processions, perhaps because of the absolute firmness of the surface, where there is no fear of landslides, as on the loose, sandy soil below; and also, perhaps, because of the horizontal position, which is favourable to repose after the fatigue of the ascent. It provides me with a circular track all ready-made.

The surface was so twisted and torn, so utterly disfigured by landslides and upheavals of rock, that they might have been in another island altogether, so far as recognition of the original features was concerned. This was far worse than the worst Dick had anticipated, and for a time he was in a state of utter despair, fearing that his treasure had been swallowed up beyond recovery.

Ten thousand landslides take place every spring, contributing their tons of mud to the millions that the river is deporting to the broad catch basins called the Athabaska and Great Slave Lakes. Many a tree has happened to stand on the very crack that is the upmost limit of the slide and has in consequence been ripped in two. Many an island is wiped out and many a one made in these annual floods.

"It does nothing of the sort. The Canal may be seized. It may be put out of commission for weeks or months by landslides or earthquakes.

The construction of the canal was at once undertaken and the work was carried through successfully by General Goethals and a corps of army engineers. It was opened to commerce August 15, 1914, though it was not completed at that time and traffic was subsequently interrupted by landslides.

I believe we must have jumped our horses across that mountain torrent fifty times in an ascent of 2000 feet, to avoid the rocks and landslides which appeared first on one side and then on the other. One of our packhorses had given out entirely, and several others were nearly disabled, when, late in the afternoon, we finally reached the summit of the mountains, 4000 feet above the sea.

These serve a double purpose in preventing landslides and washouts on the tracks, and in adding greatly to the attractiveness of the scenery along the railway. The poorest land of a farm is always found on the hilltops, because even with the greatest care there is always considerable waste of the top-soil. This land, then, should never be used for field crops.

"Not much, but enough to learn that it was a valuable claim. It was in a district that had been visited by landslides before, and so he called it the Landslide Mine." "Well, your uncle could be thankful for one thing that he wasn't in the mine when that big slide took place. But you said he died anyway." "Yes, of pneumonia, on the very day the slide took place. Wasn't it queer?

"I know of several valuable mines in South America that were lost through earthquakes. Landslides have not only buried mines, they have buried cities as well." "Oh, Dave, supposing you went to look for that mine and there was another landslide!" gasped Jessie, and turned pale. "That's a risk we'd have to run," was his answer. "But I'd be very careful as to where I went, Jessie."

"If they ever do any mining here they'll have to spend a lot of time first building a roadway," was Phil's comment. "If the mining pays it won't take long to get a roadway and bridges, too," answered Roger. "Money can do almost anything, you know." "Oh, I know that." "The main thing will be to guard against the landslides," said Dave, grimly. "But I guess they'll know how to do that, too."