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"Never." "Isn't that strange?" "Yes, but I'm glad she doesn't. I want her to forget. She's very happy with us but she's far from perfect." "To what form of cussedness does she tend, Lyn? With me she's as lamblike as can be." "Oh! she has a fiery temper and, now that I think of it, she generally shows it in reference to you." "To me?" Truedale smiled. "Yes.

The idea of my being aristocratic and well-bred, and your being afraid to go anywhere alone! I don't know which is the most absurd. Well, I'll go if I must, and do my best. You shall be commander of the expedition, and I'll obey blindly, will that satisfy you?" said Jo, with a sudden change from perversity to lamblike submission. "You're a perfect cherub!

Comfort, convenience, and sanitation have conspired to establish a rigidity of rule never seen before, to which men yield a docile and lamblike obedience. Robert Burton's axiom, "Nothing sooner dejects a man than clothes out of fashion," is as true now as it was three hundred years ago.

They speak wickedly concerning oppression that they commend, and count it a prudent act. They also speak loftily. 'They set their mouth against the heavens, &c. And all this, so far as I can see, ariseth in their hearts from the beholding of the quiet and lamblike death of their companions.

He ordered what "positive" he would need, and he arranged for his advertising matter. All his interior scenes, save the double-exposure "vision" scenes, were done by the fifteenth of March, March which had not come in like a roaring lion, as Rosemary had predicted with easy optimism, but which had been nerve-wrackingly lamblike to the very middle of the month.

"Your friend bein' a newcomer, I thought he wouldn't want to locate in the middle of trouble." "He can take care of himself," Pinkey declared, confidently; though, as they both glanced at Wallie, there seemed nothing in his appearance to justify his friend's optimism. He looked a lamblike pacifist as he sat fingering his straw hat diffidently.

"A little romance of mine," said Jacques, smiling; "I trust 'tis not considered in bad taste I had a crook " "A crook?" "Yes, wreathed with flowers, as was the custom, I believe, in Arcadia; but I feared it would attract attention in the town, and I left it," said Jacques, with lamblike innocence. This sally was greeted with tumultuous applause. "A crook!" cried the damsels. "An excellent idea!"

The feelings of the Spider waxing beyond mere words, he looked at the speaker, viewed him up and down with a glance of contemptuous hostility, whereat Ravenslee's whole expression melted into one of lamblike meekness. "Say," quoth the Spider at last, "there's only one thing as I can't stand about you, an' that's everything!"

"Brother Abe," in her heedlessness of the mischief she had wrought, Blossy seemed almost to sing, "I never shall forget your speech as long as I live. Will you excuse me now?" She swept out of the door, her skirts rustling behind her. Abe collected himself so far as to bow in the direction she had taken; then with lamblike eyes of inquiry met the exasperated glances cast upon him.

He would walk into the shop with his penny in his mouth, well displayed, and a sweet and lamblike expression in his eyes. Taking his stand as near to the cakes as he could get, and fixing his eyes affectionately upon them, he would begin to whine, and the shopkeeper, thinking he was dealing with an honest dog, would throw him one.