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At sight of him who had shambled so taken-for-granted through all of her girlhood, such a trembling seized hold of Hanna de Long that she turned off down Amboy Street, making another wide detour to avoid a group on the Koerner porch, finally approaching Second Street from the somewhat straggly end of it farthest from the station.

He remained in Ludwigsburg during the winter in pleasant intercourse with his family and friends. In October Karl Eugen went to his reward. 'The death of the old Herod', Schiller wrote to Koerner, 'does not concern me or my family, except that all who have to do directly, like my father, with the head of the state, are glad that they now have a man before them.

This plan was finally given up, but a series of rather abstruse letters to Koerner, beginning in January, 1793, may be regarded as preparatory studies for the contemplated treatise.

It was only an 'extraordinary' professorship without salary, but its possibilities as a stepping-stone were alluring. He decided to accept. Now came a short season of helpless and comical dismay. 'I would take a thrashing', he wrote to Koerner, 'if I could have you here for four-and-twenty hours.

In the main it is lucid enough, especially when one calls in the aid of the preceding letters to Koerner; but portions are hard reading. To give the gist of it in a few words is next to impossible, because it is so largely taken up with superfine distinctions in the meaning of words for which our language has at best but rough equivalents.

He became the teacher of the unripe Carlos, even as Koerner had been the teacher of the unripe Schiller; the subduer of unmanly emotionalism; the apostle of renunciation; the pointer of the way to great deeds; the prophet of a free humanity to come. In the brilliant light thus thrown upon Posa the other heroes were somewhat obscured.

As the futility of his character became more apparent with the lapse of time, he lost the esteem of his friends, and the engagement with Dora Stock was broken off. So far as Schiller is concerned, the friendship of Huber was a passing episode of no particular importance. Early in the year 1785 Koerner lost both his parents and found himself the possessor of a considerable fortune.

Two editions of the 'Almanac' were quickly bought up and a third became necessary. There was infinite guessing, speculating, interpreting, and among those who had been hit there was wailing and gnashing of teeth, A very few friends of Goethe and Schiller, such as Koerner, Humboldt and Zelter, watched the commotion with solemn glee. Others were shocked or grieved at such a mode of warfare.

In October, 1785, Schiller wrote to Koerner that he was reading Watson and that 'weighty reforms were threatening his own Philip and Alva. The Rev.

The Romantic School: the Schlegels, Novalis; Tieck, Koerner, Arndt, Uhland, Heine, and others. 6. The Drama: Goethe and Schiller; the Power Men; Muellner, Werner, Howald, and Grillparzer. 7. Philosophy: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Hartmann; Science: Liebig, Du Bois-Raymond, Virchow, Helmholst, Haeckel. 8. Miscellaneous Writings.