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"I have written to request Mr. Kneebreeches to resume his instructions to-morrow," she said quietly. "I think you are quite well again now, so Dorcas must wake you at your usual hour." Griselda had been settling herself comfortably on a corner of the sofa.

Daisy and crocus, and sea-blue bell, And violet shrinking in dewy cell Sly cells that know the secrets of night, When earth is bathed in fairy light Scarlet, and blue, and golden flowers." And so Mr. Kneebreeches had no reason to complain of his pupil that day. And Miss Grizzel congratulated herself more heartily than ever on her wise management of children.

"The day after to-morrow to say that she will be able to resume her studies the day after to-morrow oh yes, certainly. It would be very well to send a note to good Mr. Kneebreeches, my dear Grizzel." "It is such a satisfaction to consult together about what we do. I was only a little afraid of being hard upon the child, but as you agree with me, I have no longer any misgiving."

It was a short cut home, and it was very comfortable in the boat, and I certainly saw a great deal last night, and I'm very much obliged to you particularly for making it all right with Phil about not coming to play with me to-day. Ah! that reminds me, I'm in disgrace. I wonder if Aunt Grizzel will really make me stay in my room all day. How tired I shall be, and what will Mr. Kneebreeches think!

Kneebreeches' addition sums "rows," they were far too fat and wide across to be so spoken of! whole slatefuls of these terrible mountains of figures to climb wearily to the top of. And not to climb once up merely. The terrible thing was Mr. Kneebreeches' favourite method of what he called "proving."

Kneebreeches so soon, Sister Tabitha," remarked Miss Grizzel, uneasily, when Griselda had left the room. But Miss Tabitha was busy counting her stitches, and did not give full attention to Miss Grizzel's observation, so she just repeated placidly, "Oh yes, Sister Grizzel, you may be sure you have done right in recalling Mr. Kneebreeches."

Kneebreeches, and refreshing her memory for the next day; but, alas! knowing one's duty is by no means the same thing as doing it, and Griselda sat on by the window doing nothing but grumble and work herself up into a belief that she was one of the most-to-be-pitied little girls in all the world.

His grey hair being slightly ruffled, he had a debonair look, as of a youth who is in love. 'We mun tell 'im it's come, he said slowly, and turning he called: 'Alfred Alfred! Wheer's ter gotten to? Then he turned again to the group. 'Get up then, Maggie, lass, get up wi' thee. Tha ma'es too much o' th'bod. A young man approached, wearing rough khaki and kneebreeches.

"Only, you see, cuckoo, I never tell anybody about what I see when I am with you." "No," replied the cuckoo; "better not. "No, I don't think I am," she replied. "But, cuckoo, isn't this sea awfully big?" "Pretty well," said the cuckoo. "Just half, or nearly half, the size of the moon; and, no doubt, Mr. Kneebreeches has told you that the moon's diameter and circumference are respec "

"The day after to-morrow to say that she will be able to resume her studies the day after to-morrow oh yes, certainly. It would be very well to send a note to good Mr. Kneebreeches, my dear Grizzel." "It is such a satisfaction to consult together about what we do. I was only a little afraid of being hard upon the child, but as you agree with me, I have no longer any misgiving."