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"Anything I can do?" the gentleman inside was saying with a sound of effort in his voice. The lady was not even at the pains to notice the perfunctory civility. "Well, Colonel, now you're here, what do you think o' the Klondyke?" "Think? Well, there's no doubt they've taken a lot o' gold out o' here." "Reg'lar old Has Been, hey?" "Oh, I don't say it hasn't got a future." "What!

Well, sir, that native had the time of his life bein' tried for murder. He'd travelled on a railroad, seen a white man's city, lived like a lord, and came home to be the most famous man of his tribe. Got a taste for travel, too. Comes to the Klondyke, and his fame fires Skookum Bill. All you got to do is to kill one o' these white men, and they take you and show you all the wonders o' the earth.

Michael, at the mouth of the Yukon to the Klondyke, exclusive of the steamer trip of 2500 miles from Seattle to Port St. Michael.

Such common misfortune necessitated the unloading of the poor beast at the loss of time and patience, not only of his own driver, but those following, as any obstruction to this narrow trail was greeted with extreme disfavor. Language both bad and bitter was hourly exchanged between men on this strenuous stampede to the Klondyke in the fall of '97.

The smoke and flame blew black and orange across his face as he said: "Every dollar that's taken out of the Klondyke in gold-dust will cost three dollars in coin." A sense of distinct dislike to Benham had spread through the company a fellow who called American enterprise love of gambling, for whom heroism was foolhardy, and hope insane.

The excitement in Dawson regarding the new Nome gold fields daily increased, and it was stated by reliable steamer men from St. Michael that the new strike rivaled that of the Klondyke. The little party of four decided to go to Nome. In a short time their business was arranged, sales made, gold claims placed in charge of agents, and everything made in readiness for their journey to Nome.

It covers an area of some 50,000 square miles. But so far the infinitely richest spot lies some one hundred miles east of the American boundary, in the region drained by the Klondyke and its tributaries. This is some three hundred miles by river from Circle City. "We have described some of the beauties of the Yukon basin in the summer season, but this radiant picture has its obverse side.

Then, with recovered serenity, he turned to the Boy: "I promised I'd bring back any news." "Yes." "Well?" Everybody stopped eating and hung on the priest's words. "Captain Rainey's heard there's a big new strike " "In the Klondyke?" "On the American side this time." "Hail Columbia!" "Whereabouts?" "At a place called Minook." "Where's that?" "Up the river by the Ramparts." "How far?"

Alexander McDonald, on Claim No. 30, Eldorado, on the Klondyke, started drifting on his claim with four men. The men agreed to work the claim on shares, the agreement being that they should work on shares by each receiving half of what they could get out. The five together took out $95,000.00 in twenty-eight days. The ground dug up was found to measure but 40 square feet.

The special spell of Dawson was upon them all the surface aliveness, the inner deadness, the sense of being cut off from all the rest of the world, as isolated as a man is in a dream, with no past, no future, only a fantastic, intensely vivid Now. This was the summer climate of the Klondyke.