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Trying it, they found it unfastened and unguarded, and, pushing through a darkened passage, discovered they were in the Palace. Mounting to the upper floor, they attacked the unbelievers. The fighting goes on. From room to room the Christians resist. They are now cut off, and in a little time the quarter will be in our possession." Mahommed spoke to Kalil: "Take this man, and keep him safely.

"Though why should I be astonished? Hark, my friend! I will tell thee what I have as yet spoken to no man else. Thou knowest Kalil the Vizier has been these many years my tributary, and that he hath done me many kindly acts, not always in his master's interest.

This to the secretary. And presently the ambassador had the matter for report above recited. In the report he might have said with truth a person styling himself Prince of India has risen to be Grand Vizier in fact, leaving the title to Kalil. These negotiations, lamentably barren of good results, were stretched through half the year.

"Ascend, dog of a dog!" panted Kasheed. "Move thy accursed feet, O wizened hump! Daughter of Satan, give me room! Thou art squeezing out my life! Only go on, child of my heart! It is but a step upward, O Queen of the Nile. Hold the rope tight, Kalil!" The camel obediently surged forward, breaking off a section of banister.

Urban fell on his knees. "Mercy, my Lord, mercy!" "For what? That thou didst not hit the gate? Rise, man, and see if the gun is safe." And when it was so reported, he called to Kalil, the Vizier, now come up: "Give the man a purse, and not a lean one, for, by Allah! he is bringing Constantinople to me." And despite the ringing in his ears, he went to his tent confident and happy.

The rain which then falls is called Dairti or Hais: it comes with a west- south-west wind from the hills of Harar. Jilal is the dry season from December to April. Some reckon as a fifth season Kalil, or the heats between Jilal and the monsoon. According to Bruce this tree flourishes everywhere on the low hot plains between, the Red Sea and the Abyssinian hills.

"Count Corti, go thou with the Princess Irene to Therapia. I know thou wilt keep her safely. And thou, Kalil, have a galley suitable for a Queen of the Greeks made ready on the instant, and let there be no lack of guards despatched with it, subject to the orders of Count Corti, for the time once more Mirza the Emir.... O Princess, if I have been peremptory, forgive me, and lend me thy hand again.

The warning was from Kalil Pacha; and whether Kalil was moved by pity, friendship, or avarice is of no moment; certain it is the Emperor acted upon the advice. He summoned a council, and proposed war; but was advised to send a protesting embassy to the enemy. A scornful answer was returned.

I wish to salute it." Again she silently yielded to his request. Kalil, seeing only politics in the scene, marched before the Princess clearing the way, and directly she was out of the Church. At the suggestion of the Count, sedan chairs were brought, and she and her half-stupefied companions carried to a galley, arriving at Therapia about the fourth hour after sunset.

"Nay, good friend, hear his scheme, then thou mayst call the forbidding powers with undeniable reason....He undertook so Kalil privily declared if Mahommed would invest him with the Patriarchate, to deliver Constantinople to him." "By what means? He has no gate in keeping he is not even a soldier." "My poor Phranza! Hast thou yet to learn that perfidy is not a trait of any class?