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A few solitary birds, a flight of crows, lizards and beetles on the ground; no other signs of life. The next day the country became more barren still, and the batoum disappeared. The patches of barley likewise ceased to cheer the eye; and little pools of water no longer sparkled in the rocky bottoms, as near Kaleebah.

They are now paying the penalty of their love of shamatah in the shape of an impost of four hundred mahboubs per annum, and in numbers are reduced to about a hundred and thirty heads of families. We had some additional camel-drivers from Kaleebah, who, of course, endeavoured to extort more than they had agreed for.

This may also be emphatically called the region of rain. 3d zone. The limestone hills and broad valleys, gradually assuming the aridity of the Sahara as you proceed southward, between the town of Kaleebah and Ghareeah; the olive plantations and corn-fields disappear, entirely in this tract. 4th zone. The Hamadah, an immense desert plateau, separating Tripoli from Fezzan. 5th zone.

Start from the Masheeah Painful Parting Chaouch's Tent A Family Quarrel Wady Majeeneen A Rainy Day Moknee's Wives Two mad Fellows Great Ascent of Gharian Tedious Day's Work The Castle View over the Country Garrison Troglodytes Turkish Tax-gathering Quarrelsome Servants Proceed over the lofty Plain Underground Villages Kaleebah The Batoum Geology A Slave Caravan Cheerful Blacks Rows Oasis of Mizdah Double Village Intestine Discords Interview with the Sheikh Omer A Pocket Province A Dream of Good Omen Quarrels on Quarrels Character of Fezzanees A Leopard abroad.

We were compelled to leave three camel-loads behind, in the first place, at Gharian; these were subsequently got on to Kaleebah, and thence to Mizdah: but there the influence of Izhet Pasha's circular letter entirely failed to procure for us three extra camels, and we were compelled to push on to Mourzuk, leaving part of our goods in the oasis.

They look cleanly and healthy in spite of their burrowing life, but are fox-like in character as in manners, and bear a reputation for dishonesty. A little after mid-day we descried afar off the village of Kaleebah, which is built above-ground, and occupies a most commanding position on a bold mountain-top. It remained in sight ahead a long time, cheating us with an appearance of nearness.