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Foma had answered. "So. Well, and meanwhile, before you go to the monastery, come along with me! Get ready quickly. Rub your phiz with something wet, for it is very much swollen. Sprinkle yourself with cologne, get it from Lubov, to drive away the smell of the kabak. Go ahead!"

The more industrious, respectable members of the Commune, backed by the whole female population, were strongly opposed to the project, knowing full well that a kabak would certainly lead to the ruin of more than one household; but the enterprising trader had strong arguments wherewith to seduce a large number of the members, and succeeded in obtaining a decision in his favour.

I will surely carry the money straight to the one who has been kind enough to trust me." Striking the animal a sharp blow with the whip, he passed by the tavern. The performance was repeated when he reached the next kabak, which looked very inviting; but he resolutely set his face against entering, and passed on.

It was nearly dark when Karl Steinmetz and the Moscow doctor rode into the little village, to find the starosta, a simple Russian farmer, awaiting them outside the kabak. Steinmetz knew the man, and immediately took command of the situation with that unquestioned sense of authority which in Russia places the bárin on much the same footing as that taken by the Anglo-Indian in our eastern empire.

Let us trade the harrow, the plow, the sledge, the telega for money, and let us have a good time." "All right." The poor, weak man had no courage to refuse, and Woe Bogotir became his master and ruler. They went to a kabak and spent everything; drank, sang, and had a good time.

Catrina Lanovitch had this trick. She only played a Russian people-song a simple lay such as one may hear issuing from the door of any kabak on a summer evening. But she infused a true Russian soul into it the soul that is cursed with a fatal power of dumb and patient endurance. She did not sway from side to side as do some people who lose themselves in the intoxication of music.

Whether the system or the salary be at fault it is hard to say, but from whatever cause the fact remains that the parish clergy of the villages are not always all they might be; there are many among them who lead upright lives and gain the respect of their parishioners, but it would be idle to deny that there are many whose thoughts turn more to vodka than piety, the kabak than the Church.

Some one had seized the loquacious orator of the kabak, and he was at that moment being quietly hustled out of the room. After this there was a sullen silence, which Paul could not charm away, charm he never so wisely. When his patients had at last ebbed away he lighted a cigarette and walked thoughtfully back to the castle.

In the peasant's house there is often a large stove of brick or tile on which the family sleep in cold weather. A day in and an equal day out, the Russian idiom. Observe how very like our own. Woe Bogotir Kabak, a drinking saloon. The ruble is the principal coin of Russia, as the dollar is in the United States. It is equal to 100 copecks, and at this time is worth only about 50 cents.

We left our horses at a kabak and walked through the squalid streets to the equally squalid railway depot where we parted, almost in silence. "God be with you," Mishka growled huskily. His face looked more grim than ever under the poor light of a street-lamp near, and he held my hands in a grip whose marks I bore for a week after.