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In the skirts of the town, and more especially in the Fauxbourg St Germain, the beauty of the streets is greatly increased by the detached hotels or villas, surrounded by gardens, which are everywhere to be met with, in which the lilac, the laburnum, the Bois de Judeé, and the acacia, grow in the most luxuriant manner, and on the green foliage of which the eye reposes with singular delight amidst the bright and dazzling whiteness of the stone with which they are surrounded.

Sanscrit is another stem, equally ancient; and according to Max Müller and Bunsen, both are modifications of an earlier and simpler language. Neither has the least affinity with Chinese, which again, like them, differs radically from the native dialects of America. As Hosea Biglow sings, "John P. Robinson, he Says they didn't know everything down in Judee."

"Something I heard to-day," answered her husband. "There was a chap of my name, John P. Robinson, an' he said that down in Judee they didn't know everything. And, by gum, he was right. They knew mighty little about London 'tecs, I'm thinking. But, hold on. Surely " He bustled into his coat, and hastened to The Hollies. No, neither Mr. Grant nor Mr. Hart had spoken to a soul about the knot.

A gentle snore was the only answer. "Oh," and Anne flung herself out of the room, "if you are late, Judy Jameson, I can't help it." She went down-stairs and ate her breakfast. But no sign of Judy. "Judee ee!" she called up the stairway, and "Judee ee!" she called again from the garden, where, with Belinda and Becky, she stood awaiting the arrival of the carriage.

Ague, if the expected had happened, should have gripped and shaken me until my teeth rattled; and after alternations of raging fever and arctic cold, I ought to have gone to my long home with the fearful shapes of delirium yelling in my ears. But there are places other than Judee where they do not know everything.

But Jerusalem is in the lond of Judee; and it is clept Jude, for that Judas Machabeus was kyng of that contree; and it marchethe estward to the kyngdom of Arabye; on the southe syde, to the lond of Egipt; and on the west syde, to the grete see; on the north syde, towarde the kyngdom of Surrye, and to the See of Cypre.

It was held by wise men of old that adversity was the test of friendship, but as his Excellency the Minister of the United States has observed, per Mr. Biglow, 'They did not know everything down in Judee; and among other subjects of which those ancient writers were necessarily ignorant was that of Continental travel.

"No; not engaged either except engaged in trying to make a lot of people who think they know everything understand that there are a few things that they don't know." "That is a difficult task," she said, shaking her head, "if you try it in New York." "'John P. Robinson, he Says they don't know everything down in Judee," put in the stout young man who had been standing by waiting to speak to her.

In Genoa, Italy, it was a parody, telling what John P. Robinson he would do down in Judee. In the course of time the "Biglow Papers" were published in book form. Not only was Lowell's name not yet connected publicly with the Yankee humor, but the poems were provided with an elaborate introduction, notes and comments, by the learned pastor of the church at Jaalam, Homer Wilbur.

But aside from this passage cynicism is lacking from this book, a quality which makes another story on the same theme, "Le Procurateur de Judée," one of the greatest short stories in any language. Mary's sins are quickly passed over and we come almost immediately to her conversion.