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He places the heroine of his tale in a petit reduit pres le Strand, "with a green and fresh jalousie, and a large blind, let down all day; you fancied you were entering a bath of Asia, as soon as you had passed the perfumed threshold of this charming retreat!" He next places her Dans un square ecarte, morne et couverte de givre, Ou se cache un hotel, aux vieux lions de cuivre;

Tell me, have you left it captive with a fair Greek of the Isles, or a dark-eyed maiden of the Nile? Is our heroine a captive behind a Spanish jalousie, or in an Italian convent? 'Women ever believe that all moods and tempers of man are consequences of their influence, replied Walstein, 'and in general they are right. 'But in your case? 'Very wrong.

Dick looked about him, but could see nothing at all suitable until his gaze happened to fall upon the window of a house opposite him, which was closed by a kind of jalousie shutter. A couple of slats from this shutter would serve excellently, and without ceremony he wrenched two of them out and, breaking them into suitable lengths, handed them to Earle.

At the convent of Marchiennes, considered by contemporaries the most beautiful abbey in all the Netherlands, they halted to sing the ten commandments in Marot's verse. Hardly had the vast chorus finished the precept against graven images; Taiiler ne to feras imaige De quelque chose que ce soit, Sy bonneur luy fail on hommaige, Bon Dieu jalousie en recoit,

"He is a backslider. He has gone back to his people. He is become a Jew again he shall be flayed alive." "Back, in the name of Holy Church!" cried Fra Giuseppe, veering round to face the captain, who, however, had sat his horse without moving. "I am no Jew. I am as good a Christian as his Holiness, who but just now sat at yon jalousie, feasting his eyes on these heathen saturnalia."

Ah! heh! but this land breeze-laden, perhaps, with the germs of the yellow-fever mephitic and all that you understand me, Dr Thompson?" "As much as you do yourself." "Thank you men of superior education sympathy and all that you understand me fully, major. Now this night-breeze coming through that half-open jalousie miasmata and all that.

The man was saying in a dialect new to Kedzie: "Ah, ma pauvre p'tite amie, for why you have a jalousie of my patrie?" There was a vague discussion from which Kedzie drowsily gleaned that the man was going to cross the sea to the realm of destruction.

Her fair face was once more hidden, behind the rude jalousie of the logs; but the smile remained. It was mine; and lingered long within the trembling temple of my heart. Towards the interior of the hut, hallowed by such lovely presence, I continued to direct my glances with an occasional side-look, noting the movements of the two men.

"Still they come!" exclaimed Laxdale, as a knock sounded on the jalousie of the cabin door. "Come in." It was Tari Barl in search of his master. "Tarry Barrel, you old sinner," said Wilmshurst, "can you catch a rat?" "Me lib for find Mutton Chop, sah," replied the Haussa saluting. "Find him one time and come quick."

Euphrosyne cast a smile down to the nun, and placed herself against the jalousie, holding the branch upon her head. As she had hoped, two humming-birds returned. After some hesitation, they came for more of their sweet food, and Euphrosyne felt that her hair was blown about on her forehead by the motion of their busy wings.